Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Alain Failliot (アラン・ファリオ, Aran Fario) is a forward for Rose Griffon.


Inazuma Eleven 3JP: The son of a bicycle mechanic. He wants to support road racing someday.
EN: The son of a bicycle repairman. He'd like to help out at the Tour de France one day.


Alain has tanned skin and is tall in height. He has neck-length strait, blond hair and he wears a blue headband. His eyes are also green.


Although he wasn't present during the match, his team played against Orpheus in episode 68. However, the outcome of the match is unspecified.

He made his first appearance in episode 85 along with his team during the opening ceremony for the Football Frontier International.

In episode 112, he and his team played against The Kingdom in the final match of the preliminaries for Group B. However, his team lost due to their opponent's overwhelming offensive power, as well as their hissatsu tactic Amazon River Wave.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Rose Griffon's uniform (RG OW) Alain Failliot sprite (RG) Alain Failliot sprite
Europe Senbatsu's uniform (B-A OW) Alain Failliot sprite (B-A) Alain Failliot sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Rose Griffon's uniform (RG) Alain 3D (1) (RG) Alain 3D (2) (RG) Alain 3D (3) (RG) Alain 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven 3

In order to recruit Alain, Rose Griffon has to be defeated first in Raimon Souichirou's upper taisen route. After selecting him from the scouting machine, he will be on the Umihebi Island and will challenge the player to a soccer battle.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 3
  • GP: 117
  • TP: 113
  • Kick: 62
  • Body: 61
  • Control: 72
  • Guard: 47
  • Speed: 58
  • Stamina: 60
  • Guts: 52
  • Freedom: 5


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Japanese version
Lv. 1Eiffel Drive V2ShootMountain6743
Lv. 1CycloneBlockWind4938
Lv. 33Dog RunDribbleFire4839
Lv. 59Tri-PegasusShootWind9355
European version
Lv. 1Dragon Ground 改ShootMountain7346
Lv. 1CycloneBlockWind4938
Lv. 33Dog RunDribbleFire4839
Lv. 59Tri-PegasusShootWind9355

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven 3

