He has a special ability that allows him to expand and contract his body hair. Although there is no real use for his ability, it's for certain that it's fun.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
Supernova's uniform
Space Rankers' uniform
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Supernova's uniform
Space Rankers' uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
In order to recruit Apas, Supernova has to be defeated first in the post-game. Also, the following requirements are needed:
His name, Apas Muulan, is an amalgamation nakshatra related names:
His forename is derived from アーパス (read as "Aapasu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Āpas, the Water deity associated with Purva Ashadha, a reference to Supernova's naming motif.
His surname is derived from ムーラ (read as "Muura"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Mūla, the nineteenth nakshatra in Hindu astronomy, which is also a reference to Supernova's naming motif.