Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Argo Burgess (アルゴ・バージェス, Arugo Bājesu) is the goalkeeper for Faram Dite.


GalaxyA strong enough goalkeeper to be known as Faram Dite's guardian deity.


Argo has fair skin, tall pointy ears and orange eyes. He has short, black hair and beard, two devil horns and tall height. He also has a small purple gem on his forehead.


In episode 38, he used Rebound Layer twice. He successfully blocked Tetsukado Shin's Dead Straight but failed to block Ichikawa Zanakurou's Great Max na Ore. He also successfully blocked Zanakurou's normal shoot.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Faram Dite's uniform (FD) Argo Burgess sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Faram Dite's uniform (FD) Argo 3D (1) (FD) Argo 3D (2) (FD) Argo 3D (3) (FD) Argo 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Argo, Ixal Fleet has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Goldcoin × 1
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy ララヤ様の手作り勲章 Lalaya-sama's Handmade Medal (ララヤ様の手作り勲章, randomly dropped from Star Sisters in Roglos Gordon's left taisen route)
  • Photo: Photo icon Floating Tournament Logo (浮かび上がる大会ロゴの写真, taken at Faram Orbius' Grand Celesta Stadium lobby)
  • Topic: Topic icon First Come, First Served (早い者勝ちの話題, obtained at Faram Orbius' square)
  • Topic: Topic icon Lesson (習い事の話題, obtained at Faram Orbius' Spaceport)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 153
  • TP: 147
  • Kick: 70
  • Dribbling: 102
  • Block: 112
  • Catch: 146
  • Technique: 109
  • Speed: 107
  • Stamina: 115
  • Lucky: 100
  • Freedom: 220


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 1Rebound LayerPunchCatchForest1505570-40
Lv. 22Shoot PocketCatchForest501530-10
Lv. 36Hard PuncherSkill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 50Reverse WorldPunchCatchForest1204060-30


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy



  • His forename, Argo, is derived from アーゴン (read as "Aagon"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of argon, a chemical element, a reference to Faram Dite's naming motif.
  • Before Tsurugi joined Faram Dite, Argo was its captain.

