JP:An absolute hard trainer who keeps on exercising from dawn until dusk nonstop. EN:Serious about training. Usually trains from the crack of dawn until sunset.
Chrono Stone
He's said to be an absolute hard trainer who keeps on exercising from before dawn until the sun sets nonstop.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Asou has slightly tanned skin and is average in height. He has long gray hair falling from both of his shoulders, of which the left one is taller than the right. On each side there are two dark-green lines. He also has sharp sky-blue eyes.
He first appeared in episode 41 with the rest of his team. His team played against Raimon in the finals. He wasn't seen playing, because he was on the bench and just watched the game. At the end of the episode, the score was tied with 1-1, because Kurosaki scored with Ballista Shot for Seidouzan, which was too fast for Sangoku, Tsurugi scored with Death Drop for Raimon which Masaki's Shoot Break couldn't stop.
In episode 42, he wasn't seen playing again. At the end of the first half, the score was tied again because Kurosaki used his Keshin and scored with Bakunetsu Storm, which Sangoku couldn't stop with Fence of Gaia even with the help of Kariya's Hunter's Net, Nishiki used his Keshin too and scored with Bushin Renzan, which Masaki's Shoot Break couldn't stop. He didn't appear in the second half due Seidouzan was switched out with Dragonlink to defeat Raimon.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
Seidouzan's uniform
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Seidouzan's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO
In order to recruit Asou, the following requirements are needed:
His name, Asou Kurehito, is derived from アスクレピオス (read as "Asukurepiosu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronuciation of Asclepius, the Greek God of medicine and rejuvenation, a reference to Seidouzan's naming motif.
His dub name, Orion Hunter, is a reference to the eponymous Greek huntsman, whom Zeus or Artemis, both members of the Titans, placed in the eponymous constellation, which is also a reference to Seidouzan's naming motif.