Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Banbaros Tower (バンバロス・タワー, Banbarosu Tawā) is a defender for Big Bang, and, later, for Space Rankers.


GalaxyThe former knight leader that had protected the kingdom since the reign of the former king. He recognized Sarjes' strength and gave him the position of leader.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Big Bang's uniform (BB) Banbaros Tower sprite
Space Rankers' uniform (SR) Banbaros Tower sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Big Bang's uniform (BB) Banbaros 3D (1) (BB) Banbaros 3D (2) (BB) Banbaros 3D (3) (BB) Banbaros 3D (4)
Space Rankers' uniform (SR) Banbaros 3D (1) (SR) Banbaros 3D (2) (SR) Banbaros 3D (3) (SR) Banbaros 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Banbaros, Big Bang has to be defeated first in the post-game.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Silvercoin × 4
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy ピクシーたちの人形 Pixies' Doll (ピクシーたちの人形, randomly dropped from Galaxy Rivals in Space Alien's left taisen route)
  • Photo: Photo icon Dirty Grafitti (汚いラクガキの写真, taken at Faram Orbius' alley)
  • Photo: Photo icon Hologram Monitor (ホログラムモニターの写真, taken at Faram Orbius' Spaceport)
  • Topic: Topic icon Leadership (リーダーシップの話題, obtained at Faram Orbius' Spaceport)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 162
  • TP: 139
  • Kick: 128
  • Dribbling: 105
  • Block: 152
  • Catch: 103
  • Technique: 133
  • Speed: 92
  • Stamina: 131
  • Lucky: 90
  • Freedom: 200


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 12PhalanxBlockFire2007026050
Lv. 30Big ScissorsBlockFire8020905
Lv. 45Atlantis WallShoot blockBlockMountain120406030
Lv. 54Iron WallShoot blockBlockMountain150557040


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


