JP:A silent, crazed dog. He does whatever it takes to steal the ball. EN:A mad dog capable of pacifying teams with a range of techniques.
Inazuma Eleven 2
JP:A silent, crazed dog. He does whatever it takes to steal the ball. EN:A mad dog with a bite worse than his bark, he'll do anything to get the ball.
Inazuma Eleven 3
JP:A silent, crazed dog. He does whatever it takes to steal the ball. EN:A mad dog with a bite worse than his bark. He'll do anything to get the ball.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Banjou has slightly tanned skin and is quite tall in height. He has neck-length maroon hair with bangs at his forehead and has small black pupils. He also has detailed nose and thick brown lips.
He seems to be quite easy to anger, as seen in Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin, where he tried to punch Shimerigawa twice for his arrogance.
He played against Raimon twice. He used his hissatsu Cyclone, to get the ball off from Handa Shinichi. In the first match, his team decided to forfeit the game, though his team was clearly winning it. In the second match, in the Football Frontier preliminaries finals, they lost with 1-2 score. In the Nationals, his team was crushed by Zeus.
He once again played with his team in the Football Frontier against Raimon. He was angry at Shimerigawa when the latter wanted to have Sakuma's captain armband and tried to punch him for his arrogance, but Kazemaru stopped the conflict and told Sakuma to let Shimerigawa be the captain, much to the former's surprise. After Shimerigawa ordered the defenders to stop Raimon's shoots when all of them tried to attack at the same time, Banjou started arguing with him because it was the goalkeeper's job to stop the ball. Seeing that the goalkeeper was useless, Oono said that the defenders should protect the goal. Banjou, Oono and Narukami tried to stop Raimon's shoots with their bodies and faces. They stopped all of the normal shoots, except Asuto's, who used Inabikari Dash to get past Kazemaru. In the end, his team lost with a score of 3-4.