Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Barazono Hana (薔薇園(ばらぞの) (はな)), also known as Barra (バーラ, Bāra), is a defender of Prominence, and, later, for Chaos.

In the alternate timeline of Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin, she is a reserve defender for Eisei Gakuen.


Inazuma Eleven 2JP: She loves cute things and will use whatever means to get what she wants.
EN: She loves trinkets and will go to any lengths to get the ones she wants.
Inazuma Eleven 3
Chrono Stone
GalaxyShe loves cute things, and it seems she'll use any means necessary to get what she wants.
StrikersJP: She loves cute things and will use whatever means to get what thing she wants.
EN: She loves trinkets and will go to any lengths to get the ones she wants.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013


She has fair skin and is short in height. She has long purple hair and teal-framed goggles that cover her eyes, so her eyes can't be seen. She wears a big cerulean-colored bow on her hair.


Inazuma Eleven[]

In episode 57, he is part of Nagumo and Suzuno's team called Chaos, which is selected members from Diamond Dust and Prominence put together to form a team and defeat Raimon.

Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin[]

Barazono Hana is part of Eisei Gakuen, where a variety of players of Ohisama En are part of. They made it into the main tournament of the Football Frontier, and played Inakuni Raimon in the quarter-finals. Barazono Hana unfortunately was benched for this match. From the bench, Hana saw Eisei Gakuen go 3-2 behind and later lose with a score of 6-5.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Prominence's uniform (P OW) Barazono Hana sprite (P) Barazono Hana sprite
Chaos' uniform (C OW) Barazono Hana sprite (C) Barazono Hana sprite
Algorithm wear (AW) Barazono Hana sprite

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Chaos (C) Barazono Hana sprite (S) (C) Barazono Hana versus sprite (S) (1)(C) Barazono Hana versus sprite (S) (2)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Prominence's uniform (P) Barra 3D (1) (P) Barra 3D (2) (P) Barra 3D (3) (P) Barra 3D (4)
Chaos' uniform (C) Barra 3D (1) (C) Barra 3D (2) (C) Barra 3D (3) (C) Barra 3D (4)
Algorithm wear (AW) Barra 3D (1) (AW) Barra 3D (2) (AW) Barra 3D (3) (AW) Barra 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO

In order to recruit Barra, Dragonlink has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

After this, she can be scouted for an amount of 3240 Yuujou points.

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 2
Normal form
  • GP: 187
  • TP: 93
  • Kick: 65
  • Body: 64
  • Control: 62
  • Guard: 65
  • Speed: 61
  • Stamina: 58
  • Guts: 71
  • Freedom: 22

Chaos form
  • GP: 187
  • TP: 102
  • Kick: 76
  • Body: 64
  • Control: 60
  • Guard: 68
  • Speed: 71
  • Stamina: 68
  • Guts: 76
  • Freedom: 8
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO
  • GP: 151
  • TP: 174
  • Kick: 85
  • Dribbling: 85
  • Technique: 83
  • Block: 126
  • Speed: 116
  • Stamina: 113
  • Catch: 56
  • Lucky: 95
  • Freedom: 90
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven Strikers
  • TP: 150
  • Kick: C
  • Guard: B
  • Body: B
  • Speed: B
  • Control: B
  • Catch: C
Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha
Normal form
Lv. 1Ignite StealBlockFire9422
Lv. 52Super ScanBlockForest2923
Lv. 61Super ScanDribbleForest2822
Lv. 69BurnoutCatchFire8922
Chaos form
Lv. 1Oiroke UP!Skill icon (GX)---
Lv. 1Ignite StealBlockFire9422
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 1Ignite StealBlockFire8053
Lv. 38Zigzag FlameBlockFire4236
Lv. 44Meteor ShowerDribbleFire4938
Lv. 69BurnoutCatchFire8050
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO
Lv. 13Ikasama!Skill icon (GX)---
Lv. 26The MistBlockForest10032
Lv. 43Deep MistShoot blockBlockForest14040
Lv. 60Round SparkDribbleFire16045
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Lv. 13Ikasama!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 19The MistBlockForest100274510
Lv. 43Deep MistShoot blockBlockForest100316030
Lv. 60Southern CrosscutDribbleForest130407535
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 12Ikasama!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 17The MistBlockForest6015305
Lv. 40Deep MistShoot blockBlockForest120406030
Lv. 47Southern CrosscutDribbleForest130556040

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers
Level 2Ignite StealBlockFire7050 (JP)
40 (EU)
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Level 2Ignite StealBlockFire7040
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 2Ignite StealBlockFire7040

Manga only[]

(BG-KT (09)) Gorimuchuu Gorimuchuu (Dribble)
Inazuma Eleven Baku Gaidenshuu - Chapter 09

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy



  • Her alien name, Barra, is derived from bara, which, in turn, is Malay for ember, a reference to Prominence's naming motif.
    • Interestingly, her alien name can also be derived from 薔薇 (also read as "Bara"), which, in turn, means rose.

