Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Not to be confused with Beelze Bub.

Beelzebu (ベルゼブ, Beruzebu) is a defender for Makai Gundan Z, and, later, for Dark Angel.


Inazuma Eleven 3JP: A bearer of the demon world's power. He has a highly proud and wicked personality.
EN: Wielding dark powers, this player has a conceited and malevolent demeanour.
GOJP: A bearer of the demon world's power. He has a highly proud and wicked personality.
EN: Wielding dark powers, this player is full of conceit and malevolence.
Chrono Stone
GalaxyA member of Makai Gundan Z who bear the demon world's power. He has a wicked personality and mercilessly sends his opponents flying.
StrikersJP: A bearer of the demon world's power. He has a highly proud and wicked personality.
EN: A player from the underworld. Fiercely proud, with a wicked streak.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013


He has messy, spiky dark blue hair and blue-violet eyes.


He is seen with Makai Gundan Z when they tried to do a ceremony required to release the Demon King using Otonashi as a sacrifice, but they fail at that after they lose against Shiro Gumi in a match to prevent them from rescuing her. After losing the match against Shiro Gumi, he joined Dark Angel in order to beat Inazuma Japan but the team failed again.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Makai Gundan Z's uniform (MGZ OW) Beelzebu sprite (MGZ) Beelzebu sprite
Dark Angel's uniform (DA OW) Beelzebu sprite (DA) Beelzebu sprite
Gorgeous wear (GW-A) Beelzebu sprite

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Dark Angel (DA) Beelzebu sprite (S) (DA) Beelzebu versus sprite (S) (1)(DA) Beelzebu versus sprite (S) (2)

SD avatar[]

Avatar Sticker
Kyouteki Shuurai 「Dark Angel」 (KS 「DA」) Beelzebu sprite (SD) (KS 「DA」) Beelzebu sticker (SD)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Makai Gundan Z's uniform (MGZ) Beelzebu 3D (1) (MGZ) Beelzebu 3D (2) (MGZ) Beelzebu 3D (3) (MGZ) Beelzebu 3D (4)
Dark Angel's uniform (DA) Beelzebu 3D (1) (DA) Beelzebu 3D (2) (DA) Beelzebu 3D (3) (DA) Beelzebu 3D (4)

SD character view[]

Front overview
Kyouteki Shuurai 「Dark Angel」 (KS 「DA」) Beelzebu 3D (SD)


Inazuma Eleven GO

In order to recruit Beelzebu, Dragonlink has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 3240 Yuujou points.

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 3
  • GP: 135
  • TP: 119
  • Kick: 65
  • Body: 69
  • Control: 47
  • Guard: 71
  • Speed: 56
  • Stamina: 50
  • Guts: 77
  • Freedom: 11
Inazuma Eleven GO
  • GP: 157
  • TP: 167
  • Kick: 70
  • Dribbling: 104
  • Technique: 89
  • Block: 107
  • Speed: 93
  • Stamina: 89
  • Catch: 50
  • Lucky: 88
  • Freedom: 95
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven Strikers
  • TP: 170
  • Kick: B
  • Guard: B
  • Body: A
  • Speed: B
  • Control: B
  • Catch: B
Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013

All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.

Inazuma Eleven SD
Kyouteki Shuurai 「Dark Angel」
  • GP: 209
  • TP: 107
  • Kick: 31
  • Dribble: 45
  • Block: 62
  • Catch: 25


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 1Go To HellBlockForest8656
Lv. 1Tatsumaki DokugiriDribbleForest4335
Lv. 54Ikasama!Skill icon (GX)---
Lv. 72GravitationShoot blockBlockMountain4938
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO
Lv. 13Ikasama!Skill icon (GX)---
Lv. 34ClaymoreDribbleMountain12032
Lv. 43Deep MistShoot blockBlockForest14040
Lv. 56Dimension CutBlockForest14040
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Lv. 13Ikasama!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 23ClaymoreDribbleMountain100366030
Lv. 43Deep MistShoot blockBlockForest100316030
Lv. 56Dimension CutBlockForest140357525
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 9Ikasama!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 24ClaymoreDribbleMountain90405050
Lv. 45Willy WillyBlockMountain100305060
Lv. 53Dimension CutBlockForest17055705

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers
Level 3Go To HellBlockForest9060 (JP)
50 (EU)
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Level 3Go To HellBlockForest9050
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 3Go To HellBlockForest9050
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven SD
1Go To HellBlockForest29-6919-28
C rankHayashi no KokoroeSkill icon (GX)---
S rankCounter AttackSkill icon (GX)---


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

Keshin Armed[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone



  • His name, Beelzebu, is derived from ベルゼブブ (read as "Beruzebubu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Beelzebub, one of the seven princes of Hell, a reference to Makai Gundan Z's naming motif.
  • In the Italian and Spanish localizations, his name is Rubú.

