Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Belion (ベリオン, Berion) is a Soul introduced in Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy.


GalaxyA F Orbius dweller, a forest attributed creature. A subspecies of Pelion, it's an extremely savage beast.


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Evolution route[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
SP 90 120 150 180 230

Skill roulette[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

  • Shoot Up LV.2 (シュートアップLV.2, Shūto Appu LV.2): Increases Shoot power by 150.
  • Miss! (ミス!, Misu!): No effect.
  • Shibire Plus LV.2 (シビレプラスLV.2, Shibire Purasu LV.2, lit. Numbness Plus LV.2): Increases Shibire damage by 35.
  • Shibire Plus LV.1 (シビレプラスLV.1, Shibire Purasu LV.1, lit. Numbness Plus LV.1): Increases Shibire damage by 20.
  • Level P Plus LV.1 (レベルPプラスLV.1, Reberu P Purasu LV.1): Increases level up speed by 1.2.
  • SP Setsuyaku LV.1 (SPセツヤクLV.1, lit. SP Saving LV.1): Decreases SP cost by 20%.


Gandares first used Belion in episode 39, in an attempt to score a goal. Although Tetsukado failed to block with Buffalo, it was successfully caught by Nishizono Shinsuke's Ginga Rocket.


The user jumps up and turns into Belion, speeds towards the goalpost with the ball, then slashes the ball with his two tails into a cross shape, shooting the ball towards the goalpost in a dark-blue cross aura.



See also[]

