Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Bhaga Guunii (バガ・グーニー, Baga Gūnī) is a defender for Supernova, and, later, for Space Rankers.


GalaxyA player with a tough body that was scouted from a planet that has around 80 times more gravity than Earth.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Supernova's uniform (S) Bhaga Guunii sprite
Space Rankers' uniform (SR) Bhaga Guunii sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Supernova's uniform (S) Guunii 3D (1) (S) Guunii 3D (2) (S) Guunii 3D (3) (S) Guunii 3D (4)
Space Rankers' uniform (SR) Guunii 3D (1) (SR) Guunii 3D (2) (SR) Guunii 3D (3) (SR) Guunii 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Guunii, Supernova has to be defeated first in the post-game.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Purplecoin × 4
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy ピクシーたちの人形 Pixies' Doll (ピクシーたちの人形, randomly dropped from Galaxy Rivals in Space Aliens's left taisen route)
  • Photo: Photo icon Hologram Monitor (ホログラムモニターの写真, taken at Faram Orbius' Spaceport)
  • Photo: Photo icon GC Stadium Exterior (GCスタジアム外観の写真, taken at Grand Celesta Stadium's entrance)
  • Topic: Topic icon Powerful Person (パワフルな人の話題, obtained at Raimon's gymnasium)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 176
  • TP: 139
  • Kick: 114
  • Dribbling: 105
  • Block: 154
  • Catch: 102
  • Technique: 100
  • Speed: 100
  • Stamina: 131
  • Lucky: 83
  • Freedom: 200


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 12Fatal LiftBlockFire200708050
Lv. 30Rocket HeadShootFire80309010
Lv. 42Endless SummerDribbleFire120556060
Lv. 55Volcanic FlyBlockFire150557080


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


  • His name, Bhaga Guunii, is an amalgamation nakshatra related names:
    • His forename is a reference to the eponymous Prosperity deity associated with Pūrva Phalgunī, a reference to Supernova's naming motif.
    • His surname is derived from プールヴァ・パールグニー (read as "Puuruva Paarugunii), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Pūrva Phalgunī, the eleventh nakshatra in Hindu astronomy, which is also a reference to Supernova's naming motif.
  • In Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy, he is exclusive to Supernova.

