Black Field (ブラックフィールド, Burakku Fīrudo) is a shoot hissatsu technique introduced in Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin.
Yurika Beor used this shoot in the match between Zhao Jinyuns and Shadow of Orion. Kageyama commented it's too early to use this move, which seems to be case when Endou Mamoru stops it with Yuujou no God Hand, which is formed from God Hand, and using the friendship with the others who tries to stop the shoot to power up the move.
The user first kicks the ball up in the air, causing the ball to be surrounded in a red aura. The user crosses their arms as sparks of black lightning surround the user. The user then releases their arms and raises their head, causing the red aura surrounding the ball to enlarge. The user ascends up to the ball and holds out their right hand, causing swarm of black dragons to emerges behind the user. The user spins around midair and kicks the ball. The ball flies toward the goal, with the black dragons following it, as well as a trail of black arms and red lightning.
- When Yurika first initiated the hissatsu technique, Kageyama said it was "too soon," suggesting it either was meant to be used later or had yet to be perfected.
- In the Inazuma Eleven anime series, it is one of the hissatsu techniques which has never been successfully used.
- It shares this trait with Condor Dive, Tarzan Kick, Snake Shot, Patriot Shoot, Grenade Shot, Full Power Shield, Bunshin Shoot, Run Ball Run, Spinning Shoot, Coil Turn, Tkachev Bomber, Security Shot, Universe Blast, Kaenhousha, Hanafubuki, Rainbow Loop, Super Shikofumi, Eagle Buster, Chabudai Gaeshi, Burnout, Tsuutenkaku Shoot, Triple Boost, Mirage Shoot, Macaroni Spaghetti, and Last Resort D.