All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Inazuma Eleven GO
Charge can be randomly recruited after a battle with his battle team, Club Military (クラブミリタリ), at the Wind Path to the Cyclone Stadium since he is a battle scout.
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Charge, he has to be defeated first in a soccer battle in Inazuma Town. He, then, will be scoutable at the community master at the Inazuma General Hospital. Also, the following requirements are needed:
Item: Vibrant Pill (あざやかなクスリ, randomly dropped from Hospitals (ホスピタルズ) around the Inazuma General Hospital)
The Kanji character for "Uchi", 撃, in his forename, Uchisusu, means attack, and, his surname, Totsuba, is derived from 突入 (read as "Totsunyuu"), which, in turn, means rushing into, references to his profile and to his nickname, Charge.
His dub name, Pontius Blank, is derived from point-blank, which is also a reference to his profile.
In Inazuma Eleven GO, despite being a , his training pattern is that of a 's.
In Inazuma Eleven GO, he is one of the players to have all default hissatsu techniques as all kinds of hissatsu techniques.