JP:He interacts with foreign students who come from abroad, and is knowledgeable on international circumstances. EN:An international exchange student who knows all about the world.
Inazuma Eleven 3
He interacts with foreign students who come from abroad, and is knowledgeable on international circumstances.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has short blonde hair and black eyes, which are similar to Sumeragi Maki's. He wears a blue and white stripped headband and has a slightly feminine appearance.
He first appears in episode 43 alongside his team, Yokato, helping Tachimukai show off his God Hand. He and his team trained with Raimon and had an exhibition match in episode 44. When Endou used Majin The Hand, Tachimukai wanted to learn it to, so he helped him. In the end, they lost with a score of 4-0.
Game appearance[]
Character sprite and avatar[]
Yokato's uniform
SD avatar[]
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Yokato's uniform
SD character view[]
Front overview
All stats are at level 99 and untrained.
Inazuma Eleven 2
GP: 162
TP: 160
Kick: 55
Body: 56
Control: 60
Guard: 55
Speed: 60
Stamina: 60
Guts: 60
Freedom: 9
Inazuma Eleven 3
GP: 108
TP: 116
Kick: 55
Body: 56
Control: 60
Guard: 55
Speed: 60
Stamina: 60
Guts: 60
Freedom: 10
All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.
His name, Chikushi Kunimitsu, is derived from 筑紫国 (read as "Tsukushi no Kuni"), which, in turn, means Tsukushi Province, an ancient Province located in the Fukuoka Prefecture, a reference to Yokato's naming motif.
His dub name, Drancis Fake, is derived from Francis Drake, an English explorer known for cirmcumnavigating the world, a reference to his profile.