Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Cobra (コブラ, Kobura) is a defender for Navy Invader.


When he was younger, Cobra and his teammates were in poverty, and they enjoyed playing soccer together. They were approached by Bahart Descom, who saw the strength in the team and gave all the members some money. However, the team also agreed to obey Bahat's orders, including doing brutal military training and saluting him. This series of events led Cobra and his teammates to become a Disciples of Orion.


Cobra, like his name implies, resembles a snake. His large eyes have white irises and black slits as pupils. He has a wide mouth, and is always shown with his pointy tongue sticking out. He also has pointed teeth. Cobra has short, walnut brown hair with a pointy bang on his forehead and two longer bangs on either side of his face. He also hisses sometimes when he runs.


Like the members of his team, Cobra relies heavily on a coach to determine what moves to make. However, when Bahart Descom is arrested, he places his trust in Ichinose Kazuya to help Navy Invader win. Despite being initially rough and fierce, he has the qualities of a leader, and the team trusts him when he says to obey Ichinose. Though Cobra is not captain, he proves to be a strong, trustworthy team leader. Ichinose and the original teammates have influenced him to enjoy soccer for what it really is.


(OK) Carronade Hou 6 Carronade Hou (Shoot)
Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin - Episode 030



  • His name, Cobra, is derived from コブラ台風 (read as "Kobura taifuu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Typhoon Cobra, the typhoon that hit the United States Pacific Fleet during World War II, a reference to Navy Invader's naming motif.
    • Incidentally, it can also refer to the eponymous term for snakes, an allusion on his appearance.
  • Despite being a Defender, he often leads Navy Invader's offense and is the only member of the team, excluding Star Unicorn's temporary members, to shoot against Inazuma Japan, suggesting he is a libero.

