Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Daniele Sanctis (ダニエレ・サンクティス, Daniere Sankutisu) is the reserve goalkeeper for Orpheus.


Inazuma Eleven 3JP: T.B.A.
EN: Everyone loves this chilled-out guy from down south for his laid-back charm.
GO Strikers 2013T.B.A.


Daniele has big body, fair skin and is average in height. He has shoulder-length dark-brown hair, blue eyes and a big brown nose.


He seems to be caring for the team since he was seen cheering on the bench for Orpheus.


He is mostly seen on the bench cheering on for Orpheus. He was injured by Kageyama, and was unable to sub in as goalkeeper for Orpheus in the match against Team K. This meant that Orpheus would have to back out, making Team K become Italy's representatives. However, Endou subbed in for Orpheus's goalkeeper.

In the end of the game, he can be seen saying farewell along with all of the other members in their team jacket.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Orpheus' uniform (O-F OW) Daniele Sanctis sprite (O) Daniele Sanctis sprite

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Orpheus (O) Daniele Sanctis sprite (S) (O) Daniele Sanctis versus sprite (S) (1)(O) Daniele Sanctis versus sprite (S) (2)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Orpheus' uniform (O) Daniele 3D (1) (O) Daniele 3D (2) (O) Daniele 3D (3) (O) Daniele 3D (4)


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 3
  • GP: 136
  • TP: 136
  • Kick: 48
  • Body: 68
  • Control: 53
  • Guard: 75
  • Speed: 66
  • Stamina: 37
  • Guts: 61
  • Freedom: 24

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
  • TP: 190
  • Kick: B
  • Guard: A
  • Body: A
  • Speed: A
  • Control: B
  • Catch: S


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 1Gigant WallCatchMountain8050
Lv. 1Bakuretsu PunchPunchCatchFire4235
Lv. 33Makiwari ChopPunchCatchMountain821
Lv. 63Colosseo GuardPunchCatchMountain6142

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 2Colosseo Guard PunchKeeperMountain7030
Level 3Gigant WallKeeperMountain10050
Level 3Colosseo Guard 改 PunchKeeperMountain9040



  • His surname, Sanctis, is derived from モルガン・デ・サンクティス (read as "Morugan De Sankutisu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Morgan De Sanctis, a former Italian footballer who played as a Goalkeeper.

