JP:Despite being under a Forced Mixi Max with Zanark, her cool plays remain. EN:Miximaxed with Zanark, she plays as coolly as ever.
Under a Forced Mixi Max with Zanark. It seems she's refined her cool personality.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Dhanna has smooth, mostly straight black hair and yellow eyes with brown pupils. She has a pale skin tone.
When she is Mixi Maxed with Zanark, her hair becomes dark teal and her eyes become red with black pupils and her skin becomes more tanned.
France era[]
She first appears in episode 18, where she becomes a new member for Protocol Omega 3.0, replacing Neira. She was later beaten, along with her teammates, by Zanark Avalonic, a S-Rank criminal who had escaped from the MUGEN Prison. She was later Mixi Maxed with his energy like the other members, being in the process, put under his command.
In episode 21, after receiving a pass from Orca, she was quickly surrounded by Kirino and Shindou. However, as Kirino was still jealous about Shindou's new powers, she easily dribbled passed him and made a pass to Bahamus, but it was intercepted by Kinako. Later, Dhanna used her hissatsu, Defense Command 03, to steal the ball from Kirino and it succeeded.
In episode 40, the match between El Dorado Team 01 and Zan started. In the match, she told Tsurugi that she was not going to listen to him just because he was captain and ignored his order to pass to Ward.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
Protocol Omega 3.0's uniform
Protocol Omega Z's uniform
El Dorado Team 01's uniform
El Dorado Team 03's uniform
SD avatar[]
Senbatsu Shiken
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Protocol Omega 3.0's uniform
Protocol Omega Z's uniform
El Dorado Team 01's uniform
SD character view[]
Front overview
Senbatsu Shiken
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Dhanna, The Lagoon has to be defeated first in the story mode. Also, the following requirements are needed:
Item: Angel and Demon's Romance (天使と悪魔のロマンス, randomly dropped from Real Legends in Shadow Person's left taisen route)
Topic: Touching Film (ホロリとくる映画の話題, obtained in Inazuma Town's Game Centre)
After this, she can be scouted.
Mixi Max form
Dhanna Mixi Maxed with Zanark can be randomly dropped by a special Gacha Machine in Sandorius that is available after Ixal Fleet has been defeated in the story mode. Also, the following requirements are needed: