They played against Raimon and tied at 2-2, as a result of their overconfidence. As their captain, Gazel was not satisfied with the tie, he joined Prominence, forming Chaos to win against Raimon and to overthrow The Genesis. They were in the lead when they were interrupted by Gran, and the match did not continue.
Diamond Dust's uniform consists of a blue and white t-shirt, with a purple orb-like object embedded in the middle of the shirt. This is fitted with navy blue shorts, blue socks, with a white stripe going around the top of the sock, and dark blue and white cleats. The goalkeeper uniform is black and white, long sleeved shirt, with a purple orb-like object embedded in the middle of the shirt like the normal uniform. This is fitted with white shorts, white gloves, dark blue/white shoes and the same socks and cleats like the normal ones. Gazel assumes the role of captain, but he doesn't have a captain band.
Gazel used Northern Impact to score a goal, which Endou wasn't able to block even with Seigi no Tekken. The second goal was scored again by Gazel's Northern Impact. Raimon then got two goals back with God Knows breaking through Ice Block, and Gouenji using Bakunetsu Storm, also breaking through Ice Block. The match ended with a tie of 2-2.