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Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Dr. Crossword Arno (クロスワード・アルノ博士(はかせ), Kurosuwādo Aruno Hakase) is a character introduced in Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone.




Dr. Arno is partially bald, with cream-coloured hair. He has bushy eyebrows and a bushy mustache of the same colour. He wears an eyepatch-like device on his left eye. He also wears a white/blue jacket, coupled with black shorts and white/blue shoes.


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone[]

Dr. Arno is an expert in advocating the theory with multiple timelines and he also invented the method of entering into a wormhole.

Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone[]

A New Threat[]

Dr. Arno first appeared in episode 5. He explained and parallel worlds and how time travel worked. Since no other member from Raimon seemed to understand his explanation, Yamana Akane simplified the explanation because of her interest in science fiction.

He appeared again in episode 6, driving the Inazuma TM Caravan and said to Raimon to come in the Caravan to leave the match.

He appeared another time in episode 7. He stopped by to confirm that Gouenji wore a Time Bracelet and somehow knew him. He explained that he was also trying to find a way to free Endou Daisuke from his Chrono Stone form.

Sengoku Era[]

In episode 12, he appeared again and explained why Shindou couldn't Mixi Max with Oda Nobunaga. The reason the Mixi Max couldn't work was that Nobunaga was too strong to be fused with Shindou. He said that Shindou had to train to become as strong as Nobunaga, and then master Keshin Armed.

Jurassic Era[]

He appeared again in episode 31, talking about Perfect Cascade. He also said to Fei that the situation is worse, as El Dorado was now using their ultimate team. Later, he explained that after knowing about Zanark Domain's failure against Raimon, El Dorado had previously passed the Time Paradox effects to Perfect Cascade. This meant that Fei and the others would need to beat them.

King Arthur Era[]

He reappeared in episode 35 to explain that traveling to a fictional world was different from time travels. He also added that they needed an artifact of King Arthur, after which Nanobana Kinako got King Arthur's crown.

Ragnarok Tournament[]

In episode 47, he successfully brought Endou Mamoru back to his real form.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Casual Dr. Crossword Arno sprite
Earth Eleven's jacket (EE-J) Dr. Crossword Arno sprite


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Arno, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Bluecoin × 2
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy ベテラン工具箱 Veteran Toolbox (ベテラン工具箱, randomly dropped from Strange Hats (ヘンテコハッツ) at the Riverbank)
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy おせっかいなデバイス Meddling Device (おせっかいなデバイス, randomly dropped from Willings in Shadow Person's left taisen route)
  • Topic: Topic icon Hard Puzzle (難しいパズルの話題, obtained around Raimon's second building)
  • Topic: Topic icon Cutting-edge Computer (最新鋭のコンピュータの話題, obtained around the Kogarashi Manor)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 130
  • TP: 139
  • Kick: 136
  • Dribbling: 78
  • Block: 114
  • Catch: 81
  • Technique: 144
  • Speed: 121
  • Stamina: 61
  • Lucky: 105
  • Freedom: 200


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 1Bouncer RabbitShootForest4015205
Lv. 18Double ShotLong ShootShootVoid13055605
Lv. 34Blitz BridgeShoot blockBlockVoid11030505
Lv. 53Extreme RabbitShootMountain1707015010



  • Dr. Arno has an unexplained habit of constantly appearing and disappearing.