Eikou e no Yell! (栄光へのエール!, Eikō he no Ēru!, lit. Yell To Glory!) is the Character Song of Fidio, Mark, Teles, and Edgar. This is sung by their seiyuu, Shimono Hiro, Nakamura Yuuichi, Majima Junji and Sugita Tomokazu, respectively.
tsuyoi tamashii atsumaru basho e kokoro wa hitotsu sora wa tsuzuku kesshite kienai jounetsu de itsuka eikou tsukamunda
sousa madamada hajimari sa minna no yume wo kono mune ni susumunda! saikou no shouri shinji
tatakaou! eikou no GOORU mezase!
English translation
Imprint these passionate feelings into our hearts To the friends we meet on this pitch Chasing after the same ball Clashing with our polished seriousness
We fought under the vast skies We’ll advance with everyone’s dreams in our chest, believing in the best victory!
As fellows with the same great pride Let’s give each other a cheer We’ll pass and connect the sentiments we carry on from our friends
Surely, they’re watching from somewhere So we should still be able to keep at it Let’s fight! Together with you at your best
To the place where strong souls gather Our hearts are one, continuing through the skies With this passion that will never fade away We’ll grasp glory some day
Yes, it’s just begun We’ll advance with everyone’s dreams in our chest, believing in the best victory!