Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Emilio Luján (エミリオ・ルハン, Emirio Ruhan) is a reserve midfielder for Muteki no Giant.


Emilio has medium length messy blonde hair with a small bang down the middle. He has freckles on his face with 3 spots on each cheek. His eyes are green and the top half of his face is shadowed by his hairstytle.


Little is known about Emilio's personality due to him not having any prominent roles. His appearance, however, suggests that he is rather gloomy with the constant shadow over his face.


In episode 22, Emilio was first seen alongside the rest of Muteki no Giant at the airport as they met up with Inazuma Japan, Star Unicorn and Perfect Spark.

In episode 26, although he was not present during the match between Inazuma Japan and Muteki no Giant, he was shown, alongside the rest of the team, during a flashback where they discussed what team to be weary of during the tournament. He, alongside his teammates, was shocked to hear Clario Orvan stating it was Japan. In a later flashback on the same episode, He was also alongside the rest of his team when they came to give Clario the news of Japan's victories against Australia and Uzbekistan.


  • His surname, Lújan, is derived from アンドレス・イニエスタ・ルハン (read as "Andoresu Iniesuta Ruhan"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Andrés Iniesta Luján, a former Spanish footballer who played as a Midfielder.

