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Let's Play Soccer! (サッカーやろうぜ!, Sakkā Yarō Ze!) is the 1st episode of the Inazuma Eleven anime series.


Endou Mamoru, the captain of the Raimon team, is determined to compete in the national soccer tournament, Football Frontier, despite his teammates being apathetic.

While practicing with a team of kids, Endou meets a mysterious boy, who saves them from two passersby, asking him to join the team, failing to do so. Later, the mysterious boy is revealed to be Gouenji Shuuya, who recently enrolled Raimon from Kidokawa Seishuu Junior High School.

Endou is called to the principal's office and is issued an ultimatum by the board chairman's daughter, Raimon Natsumi, wherein he must gather 11 members and win in a practice match against Teikoku Gakuen, a team who has maintained a 40 year old championship streak, in a week's time.

After trying his luck recruiting new members, Endou goes to the Steel Tower to train, meeting Gouenji along the way. He tries to persuade him into joining the team, being unsuccessful once more. Some time later, seeing Endou's passion, Kazemaru joins the team and his training, inspiring the other Raimon members to follow suit.

On the day of the match, Endou introduces Max and Jin to the team. At Raimon, Teikoku Gakuen's captain, Kidou Yuuto, asks Endou if they could warm up, making Raimon fear their opponent. Kidou, challenging Endou, shoots at him, leaving him shaken and set on winning.


(IE (001)) TG destroying the US

Teikoku Gakuen destroying the unknown school.

At a point in time, Teikoku Gakuen played against an unknown team, overwhelming them and winning with a score of 13-0 in the process. Brooding their loss, Kageyama reminds the unknown team's coach of the demolition permit, destroying the school with Kidou's command.

At Raimon, Endou hastily steps onto the Soccer Clubroom and tries to convince the other Raimon members to practice and aim for the national soccer tournament, the Football Frontier. His teammates, however, are reluctant, making Endou angrily leave the clubroom. Handa wonders why he's so irked, with Someoka noting that their Club will soon be disbanded, shocking the other members. From a distance, Aki calls Endou, discussing for a bit if she should call the others to practice. Endou convinces her they would eventually show up as they are passionate for soccer and continues training alone.

(IE (001)) Yasui shooting

Yasui shooting at Mako.

In the afternoon, Endou practices with Inazuma KFC at the Riverbed, while a mysterious boy glances by. In the midst of practice, Ryuusuke shoots the ball, going off-course and nearly hits two passersby, Usui and Yasui. Yasui angrily asks who shot the ball, leading to Endou apologizing on Ryuusuke's behalf and requesting them to return it.

(IE (001)) Gouenji kicking the ball back

The mysterious boy kicking the ball back.

Usui, however, kicks him, provoking Endou by mentioning how weak his Club is. Usui suggests Yasui showing Endou the basics, prompting Yasui to shoot the ball towards Mako. Enraged, the mysterious boy runs in and kicks the ball back. Usui tries to pick up a fight, but is quickly discouraged by the mysterious boy's glare and flees the scene with Yasui. Impressed by the mysterious boy's kick, Endou excitedly comes up to him, but the mysterious boy ignores him and leaves.

In the Endou household at night, Mamoru dashes to his room and fervently talks with his late grandfather's portrait, stating how amazing the mysterious boy's kick was and is hopeful someone like him would join the team.

On the next day, to Endou's surprise, the mysterious boy, Gouenji Shuuya, is in his class, with their teacher introducing him as a former student of Kidokawa Seishuu Junior High School. Some time after, Endou talks with Gouenji, attempting to persuade him into joining the team, failing to do so as Gouenji boldly affirms he stopped playing soccer.

(IE (001)) Natsumi issuing the ultimatum

Natsumi issuing Endou the ultimatum.

Handa appears thereafter and tells Endou Fuyukai called him to the principal's office, implying it was due to the Club being soon disbanded. Warily, Endou goes to the principal's office and is told by Fuyukai Raimon would have a practice match the following week with Teikoku Gakuen, a team that has kept a 40 year championship streak on the national soccer tournament, shocking Endou.

Hesitantly, Endou says it would be impossible for them to play as they only have 7 members. Flippant, Natsumi suggests for him to gather more members, stating that if he wasn't able to gather 11 members by then or if they lost the match, she would disband the Soccer Club, emphasizing her decision is equal to the board chairman and principal's.

(IE (001)) Raimon having a cold sweat

Raimon having a cold sweat to play against Teikoku Gakuen.

Back to the Soccer Clubroom, the other Raimon members are shocked to hear their captain accepted such a challenge, stating their hopelessness to win against Teikoku Gakuen. Irritated, Endou declares it will be possible to win as long as they don't give up and keep on trying, and sets off to recruit new members.

Along the way, Endou meets Kazemaru from the Track and Field Club, recalling he had wanted to play against outstanding players, Megane, who would join only when they were short on 1 member, Max, who was passing by Endou and Megane's conversation, and Haruna from the Newspaper Club, who asked Endou his input in regards to the practice match.

In the afternoon, Endou runs off to the Steel Tower for some training, meeting Gouenji. Endou tries to persuade Gouenji into joining the team once more, but he remains silent and gets away from him. Endou questions his resolution, reminding him of a fateful event, making him agitated and leaving the scene.

Thereafter, Endou is determined to train with some tires. At nighttime, after a series of failed attempts, he manages to briefly stop the tire before being pushed again. Kazemaru appears and helps Endou get up, commenting how his training is peculiar. Endou tells him it's due to his late grandfather's notebook, revealing he used to be Raimon's coach and how the key to victory lies within it.

(IE (001)) Raimon set on training

Raimon set on training for Teikoku Gakuen.

Captivated by his belief, Kazemaru decides to join the team, telling the other members to come out from where they were hiding. The Raimon members gather around and tell Endou how inspired they were for soccer while seeing him trying to recruit new members, and decide to join in on Endou's training.

On the day of the match, Endou introduces the last-minute members to the team, Max and Jin. Teikoku Gakuen quickly approaches Raimon, making a striking entrance. Henmi turns to Kidou and questions their motive to be playing with a weak team, with Kidou replying that something interesting might unfold.

(IE (001)) Endou stopping Kidou's shot

Endou stopping Kidou's shot.

Endou introduces himself to Teikoku Gakuen and expresses his gratitude for them to be playing, but Kidou dismisses this and asks him if they could warm up. Upon seeing their brutal warm up, the Raimon members start to cower in fear and Kidou abruptly shoots at Endou, who successfully catches it. Although Kidou's shot left him shaking, Endou is determined to win against Teikoku Gakuen.

Major events[]

Characters in order of appearance[]




(IE (001)) Proverb
Don't give up without even trying!

Endou Mamoru.






  • Throughout most of the episode, Handa's eyes are fully colored brown.

