The Deadly Triangle Z! (
Raimon are getting ready to play their next big opponent - Kidokawa Seishuu, which just happens to be Gouenji's old school. Certain members of that team still hold a grudge against him and will stop at nothing to get their revenge. This results into a practice match with the Mukata triplets vs Endou. Unfortunately, Endou doesn't stand a chance against Triangle Z! Will Raimon lose at this rate?
The episode starts with the match between Zeus and Caribbean, which Zeus wins by landslide. The Mukata triplets are watching the match and are confident that they'll win the tournament. Raimon are practicing for their upcoming match against Kidokawa Seishuu. Aki and Otonashi are talking about how Ichinose adapted so quickly, saying that the boys underatand their feelings through their passes. Natsumi reveals that the team that qualified for the finals is Zeus, which Kidou wants to defeat. Endou, Kidou and Gouenji are having a strategy meeting for the next match, but Gouenji is worried. Endou tries to encourage Gouenji by telling both of them to come somewhere. Then, the three of them go to Inazuma Town and Endou comes to the candy shop, where he meets some of the Inazuma KFC members. He asks them what candy he should choose. Kidou comments on Endou's personality, that Endou was pure and innocent and Gouenji agrees.
Someone enters the shop and it was the three triplets of Kidokawa Seishuu who are cutting the line. They immediately insult Gouenji for leaving the team last year. Endou doesn't know who they are, so they introduce themselves. They aren't surprised that Kidou always knows his opponents. Meanwhile, Kidokawa's coach Nikaidou Shuugo and Nishigaki Mamoru are unable to reach the triplets. Nishigaki says that they're acting selfish, but the coach says that it's normal since they're facing off Gouenji. The triplets still have a grudge on Gouenji because after trusting him last year that they'll win the frontier because of him, he didn't show up at the last match, thus crushing their dream. They want to see Gouenji's abilities now, but he says that he's not up for it, to which they respond that he's a coward again. Endou can't stand them tormenting Gouenji anymore, so he decides to have a demonstrative match with the triplets, saying that since they're strikers, they should be interested in the goalkeeper. They accept his challenge. Shishido overhears their conversation and thinks he should tell the others about this.
Their mini-challenge is held at the riverbank. Tsutomu shoots a technique similar to Fire Tornado, Back Tornado, which Endou stops with Bakuretsu Punch, but Masaru and Tomo shoot other two balls towards him, which both score. Endou is angry at them for not playing fairly. The triplets are ready to shoot their combination hissatsu, but Kazemaru tells Endou to stop using violence, which confuses him. Shishido told some people to come with him because he thought Endou and the triplets were going to have a fight for real, but Endou explains they were simply having a soccer confrontation, so they were panicking for nothing. The challenge resumes and the Mukata triplets show their strongest combination shoot, Triangle Z, which Endou fails to stop with Bakuretsu Punch. The triplet brag about how they proved they're better than Gouenji. Coach Nikaidou and Nishigaki arrive at the scene and ask the guys what they're doing. The coach tells them that they should play fairly and to stop the challenge now. He is also glad that Gouenji is back into soccer. When Nishigaki was ready to go, Ichinose shouts his name in excitement and he's happy to see his old friends, Ichinose, Domon and Aki all in one place. They're talking about how Endou helped them revive the Tri-Pegasus. Nishigaki reveals that he joined Kidokawa Seishuu this year because his parents transfered jobs. He feels it's a bit unfair that he's the only one who's in a different team from his friends, but is confident that he won't lose.
Endou, Gouenji and Kidou are at Rai Raiken discussing about the Mukata triplets' Triangle Z, saying that it's very powerful. Endou tells that he'll train until he stops it, to which Hibiki says that he's right. The next day, Endou is practicing at the training center, with Shishido operating the ball machine. The match between Raimon and Kidokawa Seishuu is starting and Endou and the triplets are both confident about winning. At the beginning of the match, the triplets easily advance forward. Tsutomu shoots Back Tornado towards Endou, which he fails to stop with Bakuretsu Punch since it's much stronger than it was during their challenge.
Hissatsu used[]
- [SH] Back Tornado (Debut)
- [GK] Bakuretsu Punch
- [SH] Triangle Z (Debut)

“ | Overcome the impossible. | ” |
Gallery |
Tomo noting they still need to overcome Gouenji. Someoka telling his dislikeness if he were Gouenji facing Kidokawa Seishuu. Haruna noting Ichinose's adaptability. Endou noting his excitment for the match. Kidou going over the match strategy. Mako wishing Endou good luck. Nishigaki noting the Mukata triplets are acting selfishly. Nikaidou wondering where Raimon is. Shishido noting he'll have to tell Raimon about the feud between Endou and the Mukata triplets. Tomo and Masaru simultaneously using Back Tornado. Tsutomu, Masaru, and Tomo ready to show Endou Triangle Z. Kazemaru telling Endou not to resort to violence. Aki annoyed Shishido made Raimon worry about Endou. Hibiki noting practise does make perfect. |