Let's Go to Training Camp! (

The incomplete Majin The Hand.
The big game with Zeus is almost on top of them but Endou still hasn't mastered Majin The Hand. Coach Hibiki decided that everyone should spend the night at school as a sleepover training camp. The members of Inazuma Eleven brought a machine with them which was used by Hibiki to master the Majin The Hand which in turn didn't work out well for him. Endou practiced on it very hard and at last, he was able to complete the obstacle course with the help of his teammates. Gouenji, Kidou and Coach Hibiki used Inazuma Break a few times at Endou and Endou was able to stop the balls but still he didn't manage to master Majin The Hand. The team's aura was at first down, but after Aki's convincing that their soccer is to shoot more than the opponents did, everyone regained their confidence.
The episode starts with the members of Raimon in the training center. Endou is still training to master Majin The Hand, but to no avail. Natsumi comes with the idea to have a training camp at school overnight, which Hibiki accepts. The first-years are excited at the idea, but Endou responds thst there's no time for something like this before the match against Zeus and he still has to complete Majin the Hand. Hibiki responds that Daisuke's technique is not just a simple technique that can be instantly learnt, and in Endou's current state, it's impossible to learn, so he thinks it's a good idea to take his mind off from Majin the Hand for a while. Ichinose says that he agrees with Hibiki and messes up an American saying that Aki corrects him on. The training camp is decided to be held at 5 o' clock.
When Endou arrives home, he tells his mother about the training camp and goes straight to bed. Meanwhile, Gouenji is at the hospital, taking a nap next to his sister's bed. He gets shocked when he hears Yuuka's voice, but brushes it off, wondering if it's just his imagination. Before going to the training camp, Endou's mom gives him a pair of underwear that she wrote his name on, stating that she did it so he wouldn't mix it up with somebody elses's, like Kabeyama. Endou points out how abdurd it is.
When he arrives to school, Endou is greeted by Sugata Iwao, who was asked to oversee the training camp. The other members arrived already. Aki is trying to stop a pillow fight between Kabeyama, Kurimatsu, Shourin and Otonashi, and Someoka starts chasing them after one of them hits him with a pillow. Shishido shows Handa his special low-resilience pillow, Max shows Kageno his sleeping hat, and Megane is playing with his figurines.
The team is later seen cooking together. Otonashi is impressed at Gouenji's skill with peeling the potatoes, to which he replies that he cooks a lot for his sister. Shourin lectures Domon on the way he should properly peel and cut the potatoes, which slightly annoys him. Kurimatsu's eyes are tearing from cutting an onion and notices that Kidou doesn't have the some problem thanks to his goggles. The other first-years give him a visor to help him. Natsumi notices that almost everybody is back to their normal selves, except Endou, who is still concerned over Majin the Hand. Meanwhile, Kageyama receives a call and is told all the things for his plan were set, to which he gives an evil smirk.
Kabeyama starts poking Handa with his finger until the latter runs out of patience and tells him that he has to go to the bathroom, but doesn't want to go on his own, due to being afraid that a ghost might show up. Handa yells at Kabeyama for being childish. Their conversation is overheard by Kageno, who offers to go to the bathroom with Kabeyama. They both mistake him for a ghost, causing Kabeyama to jump into Handa's arms, but they're relieved when they realize who the "ghost" was.
On their way to the bathroom, Kabeyama and Kageno encounter a mysterious figure who causes the former to dash a way in fear, due to mistaking it for a ghost. Kageno announces the others that the figure was actually an adult, but since all the adults they were aware of were outside, Handa comes to the conclusion that it was either Kageyama or one of his accomplices, sent there to sabotage them before the match. The others agree about the possibility and go inside the school to catch the suspicious man in his act, leaving only Natsumi and the adults to watch over the stove. The kids try to catch him in the class where Kabeyama and Kageno saw him, but when Endou opens the door, they realize that he ran away. They notice him running away on the hall and Endou throws Shishido's pillow at him to imobilize him. The mysterious man turns out to be Tamiyama You, who came together with Biruda Kouichi, Kamimura Kirito, and Aida Chikara.
Over dinner, the old men reveal that they brought something with them to make the kids a surprise. They brought a training machine for Majin the Hand that they had made 40 years ago. Although Biruda admits that it didn't work out and Hibiki says there's no guarantee it'll help Endou complete the technique, Endou still decides to try it out.
Hibiki gives Endou indications on how to use the machine. When Someoka tries to operate the lever, he notices that it's stuck, but Sugata reveals that he brought oil as he anticipated such a thing. Endou's test is to get past the obstacles while Gouenji, Kidou, Ichinose, and Someoka are operating the levers. Endou struggles to complete the test and the first operators get exhausted. The other members decide to each operate the levers in turn, until Endou finally completes the obstacle course.
When Endou feels ready to try to complete Majin the Hand again, Gouenji, Kidou, and Hibiki shoot Inazuma Break at him several times, but it still doesn't work. Hibiki says that he doesn't remember what's missing and wonders if Majin the Hand is really Daisuke's phantom hissstsu technique. When Aki notices thst everybody feels down, she starts reminding them that they can still win if they score more goals than the opponents, which Otonashi agrees. Kazemaru then adds that the defenders will also help Endou, who'll be fine as long as he has everyone to help him. Endou regsins his confidence.
In the morning of the finals, Gouenji swears to Yuuka that he'll definitely win and Endou's mom gives him his grandfather's gloves. When Raimon arrive at the usual stadion, they notice that it's closed. Natsumi gets a phone from the tournament headquarters, who inform her that there was a sudden change for the location of the final match. They notice a massive stadium built above the Football Frontier Stadium, which is where they are going to have the match against Zeus.
Hissatsu used[]
- [SH] Inazuma Break
- [GK] Majin The Hand (incomplete)
[Endou Mamoru] I can fight, as long as I'm with everyone.