Fierce Attack! Zanark Domain!! (
Raimon reached Zhuge Kongming and Liu Xuande asked Zhuge Kongming to help him but Zhuge Kongming declined. Raimon tried to convince Zhuge Kongming but then, Zanark Domain appeared and challenged Raimon for a soccer match. Raimon was playing well, even managing to connect passes between all field players but then, Zanark violently tackled Shindou and Raimon was shocked. Zanark told Raimon to consider it a greeting as they all managed to connect passes with each other and scored the first goal with Disaster Break. Kirino Mixi Transed with Jeanne and used La Flamme. When Tsurugi tried to score with Keshin Armed, Zanark Mixi Transed with Cao Cao and used his Mixi Max Keshin. After that, Zanark Domain began to play roughly and injured Raimon. Zhuge Kongming released her Keshin and Mixi Maxed with Taiyou.
Major events[]
- Wonderbot was seen with the Mixi Max Gun pointed towards Zhuge Kongming but he got caught.
- Raimon played against Zanark Domain.
- Zanark used Disaster Break for the first time and broke through Shinsuke's incomplete Keshin Armed and scored the first goal.
- Kirino Mixi Transed with Jeanne and used La Flamme.
- Zanark stole Cao Cao's aura and used Mixi Trans with him. Then, he was seen holding the purple Chrono Stone with Endou Mamoru inside and then said "Things just got interesting, thanks to you".
- Taiyou couldn't bring all his power out and he didn't understand why. Although, Shindou did understand it and he said that Taiyou was afraid of breaking his body beyond repair again.
- Zhuge Kongming used Souten no Hasha Gyokuryuu. The keshin then struck down to Taiyou and it Mixi Maxed with him.
Hissatsu/Keshin used[]
- [SH] Disaster Break (debut)
- [DF] La Flamme (debut)
- [DF] Wonder Trap
- [OF] Hitori One-Two (Chrono Stone debut)
- [SH] Sunshine Force
- [GK] Sand Cutter (debut)
- [KH] Goseishin Titanias
- [KH] Kensei Lancelot
- [KH] Gouriki no Genbu (Debut)
- [KH] Taiyou Shin Apollo
- [KH] Souten no Hasha Gyokuryuu (Debut)
Mixi Max/Keshin Armed used[]
- [MIXIMAX] Kirino Ranmaru + Jeanne d'Arc
- [MIXIMAX] Zanark Avalonic + Cao Cao (Debut)
- [MIXIMAX] Fei Rune + Tyrano
- [MIXIMAX] Amemiya Taiyou + Zhuge Kongming (Debut)
Keshin Armed[]
[Liu Xuande] Once I've decided to push, I'll push and push until I've pushed it down!