Double Soul! Ibuki and Shindou!! (ダブルソウル!
Tetsukado, who was determined to activate his Soul, finally unleashed it, named Buffalo! Shindou and Ibuki eventually returned to the match in the second half and switched in for Konoha and Shinsuke. However, unbeknownst to both Earth Eleven and Gurdon Eleven, Rodan prepared some traps: magma rock balls that hit straight towards the stadium! But then something even more shocking happened: Alvega Gordon unleashed his Soul Gouryuu and saved both teams from being crushed by a magma rock ball!
With Rodan switched out, the match came to the climax with Ibuki and Shindou both unleashing their Souls for the first time and Kujaku, Shindou's Soul had a clash with Gouryuu. Earth Eleven won the match against Gurdon Eleven 3-2.
After the match, Alvega gave the red stone to Tenma, and Tenma had a conversation with Catra Page again. However, this time Potomuri saw Tenma talking with Catra Page, but was too late to speak to Catra as she vanished quickly, leaving Potomuri dumbfounded...
Hissatsu/Tactics used[]
- [DF] Konoha Roll
- [SH] Kazangan
- [GK] Buttobi Punch
- [DF] Einsatz
- [SH] Fortissimo
- [OF] Presto Turn V2
Souls used[]
- [SOUL] Buffalo (Debut)
- [SOUL] Hayabusa
- [SOUL] Mammoth (Debut)
- [SOUL] Gouryuu (Debut)
- [SOUL] Kujaku (Debut)
[Roglos Gordon] I believe them, because they have believed my word.
- Caldera Doon, Gurdon Eleven's coach, is wearing a player's uniform.