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Assemble! Knight of the Round Table!! ((つど)え!円卓(えんたく)騎士(きし)!!, Tsudoe! Entaku no Kishi!!) is the 36th episode of the Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone series.


The Tenmas returned for a match against Entaku no Kishidan led by Shindou Takuto with all the members of Raimon except Fei Rune and Matsukaze Tenma. The match ended with a score of 1-1. But then Master Dragon appeared under the control of Rei Rukh. A heroic act was made by Nanobana Kinako saving Sorano Aoi but being kidnapped by Master Dragon herself. Now Raimon and King Arthur are on a journey to find Kinako. What will be the fate of the missing teammate?

Major events[]

  • It was revealed by Shindou Takuto that before the creation of the new parallel world was completed, everyone had fallen into the story of King Arthur during the time jump.
    • He also stated that everyone had become a character in the story and they had to each play their role in order to not break the flow of the world. The only way out of the parallel world is to get King Arthur's and Master Dragon's power.
  • Tenmas was led by Matsukaze Tenma and Fei Rune to play against Shindou Takuto's team in a match.
    • The match ended 1-1.
  • Tenma and Fei passed the commitment test and became knights.
  • Master Dragon appeared, under the control of Rei Rukh.
  • Nanobana Kinako got kidnapped by Master Dragon saving Sorano Aoi from being kidnapped and Entaku no Kishidan went to save her.

Hissatsu/Keshin/Tactics used[]




Keshin Armed/Mixi Max used[]

Keshin Armed[]

Mixi Max[]



[Clark Wonderbot] You don't have time to hesistate! Go without hesitation! Plunge right in!


