Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Esteban Carlos (エステバン・カルロス, Esuteban Karurosu) is a midfielder for The Empire.


Inazuma Eleven 3JP: T.B.A.
EN: He does altitude training in the Andes, so there's no escaping his tenacious plays.


Esteban has fair skin and wavy, shoulder-length brunette hair that almost covers left eye. He also has dark blue eyes with light blue irises, which are slightly slanted.


Esteban made his debut along with the other members of The Empire in episode 94, where they fought against Inazuma Japan. During the first minutes of the match, he stole the ball from Toramaru and made a pass to Leone. Later, he and Sergio Pérez are seen heavily marking Kazemaru. Some minutes later, he and Gordo try to stop Kazemaru to advance, but are dribbled past by Fuujin no Mai. After Teles gave a signal, he and his teammates began to make many passes, which eventually resulted in their first goal. He is also seen doing Andes no Arijigoku with the rest of his teammates.

In episode 95, after a good match, they finally won. They are the only team to have won against Inazuma Japan in the FFI and be tied with them.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
The Empire's uniform (TE OW) Esteban Carlos sprite (TE) Esteban Carlos sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
The Empire's uniform (TE) Esteban 3D (1) (TE) Esteban 3D (2) (TE) Esteban 3D (3) (TE) Esteban 3D (4)


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 3
  • GP: 127
  • TP: 103
  • Kick: 58
  • Body: 59
  • Control: 58
  • Guard: 64
  • Speed: 59
  • Stamina: 58
  • Guts: 69
  • Freedom: 13


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 1Dog RunDribbleFire4839
Lv. 30Quick DrawBlockForest515
Lv. 35Armadillo CircusDribbleFire6747
Lv. 40Spinning CutShoot blockBlockWind3732

Game exclusive teams[]




  • He is loosely based off of various Argentine former footballers:
    • His forename, Esteban, is derived from エステバン・カンビアッソ (read as "Esuteban Kanbiasso"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Esteban Cambiasso, a former Argentine footballer who played as a Midfielder.
    • His surname, Carlos, is derived from カルロス・テベス (read as "Karurosu Tebesu"), the Japanese pronunciation of Carlos Tévez, a former Argentine footballer who played as a Forward.

