Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Fermín Sánchez (フェルミン・サンチェス, Ferumin Sanchesu) is the goalkeeper for Red Matador.


Inazuma Eleven 3JP: Like a bull in bullfighting, he plunges forward in a straight line, keeping the ball.
EN: Like a bull at a matador, he charges straight through the crowd to grab the ball.


Fermín has tan skin and a big body. He has maroon hair that points upwards which is similar to the horns of a bull. He also has a white sclera and he wears a grey mask that covers his mouth and nose.


He first appeared in episode 85 along with the rest of his team during the opening ceremony for the Football Frontier International.

In episode 102, his team had a friendly match with Inazuma Japan. During the match, he almost caught Koutei Penguin 3gou with just his bare hands instead of using a hissatsu. In the end, both teams tied with a score of 1-1.

Game appearance[]

Overworld Avatar
Red Matador's uniform (RM OW) Fermín Sánchez sprite (RM) Fermín Sánchez sprite
Europe Daihyou's uniform (KW-F OW) Fermín Sánchez sprite (KW-F) Fermín Sánchez sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Red Matador's uniform (RM) Fermín 3D (1) (RM) Fermín 3D (2) (RM) Fermín 3D (3) (RM) Fermín 3D (4)


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 3
  • GP: 129
  • TP: 134
  • Kick: 45
  • Body: 45
  • Control: 47
  • Guard: 97
  • Speed: 40
  • Stamina: 66
  • Guts: 70
  • Freedom: 28


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 12Horn TrainShoot blockBlockMountain1320
Lv. 20StingerCatchForest4837
Lv. 45Nekketsu HeadPunchCatchFire3030
Lv. 60Drill SmasherPunchCatchFire8050

Game exclusive teams[]



  • His forename, Fermín, is derived from サン・フェルミン祭 (read as "San Ferumin Sai"), which, in turn, means Festival of San Fermín, a festival famous for the encierro, a reference to his profile.

