Galaxy Eleven's formation in the second half against Ixal Fleet.
Galaxy Eleven's formation during the second half after Alvega was injured.
Galaxy Eleven's formation after Earth Eleven re-enter for the rest of second half against Ixal Fleet
Galaxy Eleven cheering.
Galaxy Eleven's formation in the game (Legend Gate).
In the game, it's Ryugel who names the team "Galaxy Eleven," after Gandares questions him on whether joining Earth Eleven would make them transform into Earthlings. However, in the anime, Alvega is the first to call the team "Galaxy Eleven".
After Galaxy Eleven trails the result to 4-6 against Ixal Fleet, Earth Eleven re-enters the extended match in the game and Tenma told Ozrock that Earth Eleven is also a part of Galaxy Eleven.
In the anime, Shitennou's members, and the captains from the teams Earth Eleven had beaten (except Junior, who isn't a captain), wear their respective team's uniform instead of Earth Eleven's.