Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Galling (ガリング, Garingu) is a defender for Protocol Omega 3.0, and, later, El Dorado Team 02.

In the Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone game, he is an optional member for El Dorado Team 02.


(PO) Galling sprite Normal form
Chrono StoneJP: His flaming red hair is his trademark. Of course, his heart burns just as red.
EN: The fire inside him burns as red as his hair. Not a dad, despite his name.
GalaxyHis burnlike red hair is his trademark. Even his loyalty towards Gamma burns bright red.
SDHis flaming red hair is his trademark. Of course, his heart burns just as red.
(POZ) Galling sprite (MM) Mixi Max form
Chrono StoneJP: Under a Forced Mixi Max with Zanark, his violent playstyle is even more violent!
EN: Miximaxed with Zanark, he works hard and plays hard. Beware!
GalaxyUnder a Forced Mixi Max with Zanark. His violent playstyle is even more violent.


Galling has a messy red hair and blue eyes. Under Zanark's control, his hair raises upwards. His skin tone becomes tanned. His uniform also changes color, becoming a blue and purple version of Protocol Omega's standard uniform.


France era[]

He first appears in episode 18, where he was chosen to be a member of Protocol Omega 3.0, replacing Gaura. Later, he and his teammates were badly beaten by Zanark Avalonic, a S-Rank criminal who had escaped from El Dorado's MUGEN Prison. He was later Mixi Maxed with him, being put, in the process, under his control.

In episode 19, Galling was seen showing his Mixi Max skills to Zanark. After Zanark has seen all Protocol Omega 3.0's power, he began to laugh cruelly.

In episode 20 and episode 21, he along with his teammates, fought against Raimon in the France era. First, Protocol Omega 3.0 was in lead with 1-0 because Gamma released his Keshin, Jinrou Lycaon, and shot with a mighty shot which broke through Raimon's defense. In the second half, Galling along with his teammates were surprised about Raimon's new formation. At the end of the match, Protocol Omega 3.0 lost with 2-1 due to Kirino Mixi Maxed with Jeanne d'Arc and Kirino stole the ball from Gamma and passed it to Tsurugi who used Keshin Armed and scored the first goal. Later, Kirino passed to Shindou, passing through him and Ward, and Shindou used Mixi Trans and scored the second goal with Setsuna Boost. After Protocol Omega 3.0 lost, Galling along with his teammates were sent to an unknown place by Zanark.

Ragnarok Tournament[]

In episode 39, he reappeared along with some of the other Protocol Omega players. He became a member of El Dorado Team 02.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Protocol Omega 3.0's uniform (PO) Galling sprite
Protocol Omega Z's uniform (POZ) Galling sprite (MM)

SD avatar[]

Avatar Sticker
Senbatsu Shiken (SS) Galling sprite (SD) (SS) Galling sticker (SD)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Protocol Omega 3.0's uniform (PO) Galling 3D (1) (PO) Galling 3D (2) (PO) Galling 3D (3) (PO) Galling 3D (4)
Protocol Omega Z's uniform (POZ) Galling 3D (MM) (1) (POZ) Galling 3D (MM) (2) (POZ) Galling 3D (MM) (3) (POZ) Galling 3D (MM) (4)

SD character view[]

Front overview
Senbatsu Shiken (SS) Galling 3D (SD)


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

In order to recruit Galling, The Lagoon has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Item: Kizuna Chrono Stone ルートクラフト免許証 Route Craft License (ルートクラフト免許証, randomly dropped from Omega Elites in Toh-chan's left taisen route)
  • Photo: Photo icon Metal Barrel (ドラム缶の写真, taken around Raimon's second building entrance)

After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 2600 Yuujou points.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
  • GP: 139
  • TP: 105
  • Kick: 88
  • Dribbling: 105
  • Block: 141
  • Catch: 104
  • Technique: 96
  • Speed: 90
  • Stamina: 120
  • Lucky: 83
  • Freedom: 90
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.

Inazuma Eleven SD
Senbatsu Shiken
  • GP: 226
  • TP: 106
  • Kick: 34
  • Dribble: 46
  • Block: 62
  • Catch: 24


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Normal form
Lv. 1Defense Command 06BlockForest120316020
Lv. 15Burning SummerDribbleFire80324515
Lv. 33Keshin no Chouwaza!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 49ScrewdriverBlockFire100316035
Mixi Max form
Lv. 1Defense Command 06BlockForest120316020
Lv. 10Burning SummerDribbleFire80324515
Lv. 20Keshin no Chouwaza!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 50ScrewdriverBlockFire100316035
Mixi Max form - Story
-Defense Command 06BlockForest120316020
-Offense Command 02DribbleForest80324515
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Normal form
Lv. 6Defense Command 06BlockMountain11030505
Lv. 11Burning SummerDribbleFire70304030
Lv. 31Keshin no Chouwaza!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 46ScrewdriverBlockFire100305060
Mixi Max form
Lv. 1Defense Command 06BlockMountain11030505
Lv. 10Burning SummerDribbleFire70304030
Lv. 20Keshin no Chouwaza!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 50ScrewdriverBlockFire100305060

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven SD
1Defense Command 06BlockForest26-6217-25
2Burning SummerDribbleFire23-5515-22
C rankShoot BlockerSkill icon (GX)---
S rankZokusei KyoukaSkill icon (GX)---

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Best Match Mixi Max
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy



  • His dub name, Papa, is the equivalent of P on the NATO phonetic alphabet, a reference to Protocol Omega's dub naming motif.

