Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Goseishin Titanias (護星神(ごせいしん)タイタニアス, Goseishin Taitaniasu, lit. Star Protection God Titanias) is a Keshin introduced in Inazuma Eleven GO.

Game description[]

EN: Defender of Earth, a spirit of earth. Protects the goal with unwavering force.
Chrono Stone


Inazuma Eleven GO
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO
Majin The HandCatchMountain20080
Technique Force 10Skill icon (GX)---
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Majin The HandCatchMountain20080-10
Technique Force XSkill icon (GX)----
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Majin The HandCatchMountain27060-30
Never Give UpSkill icon (GX)----

Evolution route[]

Inazuma Eleven GO[]

無印 弐式 参式 四式 伍式 零式
No Level Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 0
KP 170 171 172 174 177 180
Attack 110 112 114 118 124 130

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone[]

無印 弐式 参式 四式 伍式 零式
No Level Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 0
KP 170 172 174 176 178 180
Attack 110 110 115 120 125 130

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

無印 弐式 参式 四式 伍式 零式
No Level Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 0
KP 130 140 150 160 170 180
Attack 80 90 100 110 120 130


Inazuma Eleven GO[]

It first appeared in episode 37, though it was incompleted. It even stopped Lost Angel, without hissatsu techniques.

It later appeared in episode 38, where it successfully blocked Kaitei Neptune's Heavy Aqua Lance and Taiyou Shin Apollo's Sunshine Force, with Majin The Hand. Nishizono Shinsuke used it another time in episode 39; Amemiya Taiyou made a simple shoot which was in reality a feint. Shinsuke failed to stop it due to Taiyou's feint, which permitted to him to score.

Shinsuke used it again in episode 43, in the final against Dragonlink. He used many times his Keshin to stop the adverse Keshin shoots. Later, he tried to stop another Keshin shoot but failed, even using Majin The Hand. Afterwards, he used it another time, but failed to stop Senguuji Yamato's Keshin shoot.

After Raimon won the Holy Road, the team watched a special program that was commemorated to them on TV, showcasing their hissatsu, Keshin and tactics they used and the opponents and their moves they faced during the tournament.

Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone[]

It appeared in episode 6 alongside with Sousha Maestro, Kensei Lancelot and Sengoku Bushin Musashi to stop Beta from advancing through the field. Nishizono Shinsuke failed to stop her Keshin Armed Shoot Command 07.

In episode 7, Shinsuke used it again and jumped to his Keshin, but his Keshin disappeared before Shinsuke touched it.

In episode 13, Shinsuke used it again and tried to fuse with it, and it was successful.

Shinsuke used it again in episode 16 and also Armed with it, but it failed to stop Shoot Command 07.

Shinsuke used it in episode 24 and episode 25. Shinsuke tried to use Keshin Armed, but it was too slow because Zanark's Disaster Break was too fast and scored 2 goals against Shinsuke.

Shinsuke used it again in episode 28 and in episode 29 with his Armed form. The first time it failed to stop Ogre Blade, but the second time he stopped it.

Shinsuke called and armed his Keshin again in episode 48, but failed to stop Spring Arrow.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

This Keshin only appears in the game's story. During the match of Galaxy Eleven against the Ixal Fleet, Nishizono Shinsuke used his Keshin and Armed with it and successfully stopped Magic Amp with his Buttobi Punch.




  • Part of its name, Titanias, is an amalgamation of two distinct things:
    It can be derived from チタニア (read as Chitania), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunication of Titania, the largest moon of Uranus.
    It can also be derived from タイタン (read as "Taitan"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Titans, the Greek mythology children of Uranus and Gaia.
    • Part of its dub name, Atlas, is a reference to the eponymous Titan condemned to hold up the heavens for eternity.
  • In the Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy game, it is the only Keshin to appear in the story during the Galaxy Eleven and Ixal Fleet matches.
    • This makes it the only Keshin to appear in all 3 Inazuma Eleven GO games' storyline.

