Gravity Point
Gravity Point (グラビティポイント, Gurabiti Pointo ) is a catch hissatsu technique introduced in Inazuma Eleven GO .
Game description [ ]
GO JP: T.B.A. EN: No ball can resist the gravitational pull of your forefinger!
Chrono Stone JP: T.B.A. EN: Warp gravity itself to stop the ball and drop it at your feet. Galaxy
Users [ ]
Inazuma Eleven GO
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Info [ ]
It appeared in the GO movie, used by Mutou Genzou . He tried to stop Raimon 's chain shoot formed by Eternal Blizzard and Koutei Penguin 2gou , but the shoot deviated. It later failed to stop Joker Rains .
Usage [ ]
As a small circle of gravitational energy forms atop the user's pointer finger, they gesture their hand towards the ball. Energy then surrounds the ball and the user catches the ball with one hand.
Slideshow [ ]
Gallery [ ]
Video [ ]
Gravity Point
Game [ ]
Inazuma Eleven Go Shine Gravity Point
Inazuma Eleven Striker 2013 - Gravity Point グラビティポイント
-Inazuma Eleven SD- Gravity Point - Yamato Senguuji
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