JP:Anything that he does is always done half-right. The better term to describe him would be that he is quite balanced. EN:He is a jack-of-all trades. In other words, well balanced.
Inazuma Eleven 2
JP:Anything that he does is always done half-right. The better term to describe him would be that he is quite balanced. EN:This jack of all trades may be a master of none, but he's a solid all-rounder.
Inazuma Eleven 3
JP:"I don't let anyone tell me I'm average!" or so he says, but he still lacks the traits for that. EN:"Don't call me average!" He really is exceptional ordinary, though...
Chrono Stone
"I don't let anyone tell me I'm average!" or so he says, but he still lacks decisiveness.
JP:"I don't let anyone tell me I'm average!" or so he says, but he still lacks the traits for that. EN:"Don't call me average!" He really is exceptionally ordinary, though...
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013
Anything that he does is always done half-right. The better term to describe him would be that he is quite balanced.
JP:He believes the power of the Aliea stone can change his half-right ways. EN:This jack-of-all-trades hopes the Alius Crystal can make him master of all.
Inazuma Eleven 3
JP:He believes the power of the Aliea stone can change his half-right ways. EN:This jack-of-all-trades hopes the crystal can make him a master of all.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013
He's frustrated that he does not have any special skills or appealing points.
Adult form
He's a run-of-the-mill salaryman, but he goes to practise as Inazuma KFC's coach after work.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Profile (as coach)
JP:Inazuma KFC's coach, formerly from the Raimon Eleven. He's popular with kids with his easy-to-understand coaching. EN:Old player for Raimon Eleven and head coach of Inazuma Kids FC. Popular with the kids.
Chrono Stone
JP:Inazuma KFC's coach, formerly from the Raimon Eleven. He's popular with kids with his easy-to-understand coaching. EN:The popular Inazuma Kids FC coach used to play for Raimon.
Inazuma KFC's coach, formerly from the Raimon Eleven. He's popular with kids with his easy-to-understand and careful coaching.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has short, brown messy hair, that seems to have grown longer and raised up when he joins the Dark Emperors. His eyes are a shade of dark brown. He has fair white skin and an average height.
In Inazuma Eleven GO, he now wears a white collared shirt with a blue striped tie, dark grey pants and brown shoes.
Handa is kind, caring and optimistic, yet a little lazy. He is close friends with Jin, despite the fact that he always gets scared by him when he appears silently. He also often hangs around with Someoka Ryuugo, Kabeyama Heigorou and Shishido Sakichi but mainly he is in the background reading.
Handa, along with Someoka, are the first members to join the Raimon soccer club after Endou reopens it. He and Someoka were in the soccer club back in elementary school, but until now they couldn't play because there was no soccer club; they found it hard to talk and ask to join as Endou was the only member there along with Aki as a manager.
He is one of the original members in Raimon Eleven. He truly cares for his team. He was shown to believe (just like the others) in Endou and believe in their soccer. In episode 1, he was seen reading a book in the club room neglating practice. During practice, he was able to learn his first Hissatsu technique, Rolling Kick. In the game against Occult, he was the only person who passed the ball to Someoka rather than passing it to Gouenji. When Kidou replaced Shishido and changed their formation, he was angered saying that it was not their soccer, though he was able to overcome it because it was for the best of the team. They then won against Teikoku Gakuen and Zeus.
Season 2[]
He was badly injured when Aliea Gakuen's Gemini Storm attacked Raimon Junior High. During the time when he was in the Inazuma General Hospital, Handa complained about himself because he isn't strong enough. The next time he appears he has joined the Dark Emperors and used the power of the Aliea Meteorite along with the other old teammates (plus Sugimori from Mikage Sennou and Nishigaki from Kidokawa Seishuu). They were using it because it would give them more power than the others. Though he realized along with the others that what they were doing was wrong and finally came back to his senses when Endou made them remember what playing soccer should really be about.
Season 3[]
During the FFI, when Inazuma Japan was formed, he and the other old members of Raimon cheered for them during their matches. Much later, when Inazuma Japan had a video conference with Raimon, Handa cheered them on for their next and final match against Little Gigant (he was the one who showed them the new Raimon Soccer club team, which had lots of members). They were happy to hear that Inazuma Japan won.
In episode 126 he graduated from Raimon, and when it was Endou's turn to receive the diploma, it was seen that he, and along with the rest of Raimon, were all crying because they were about to go their separate ways.
Then in episode 127, they had one last graduation match with each other. He is seen to have leveled up, being able to steal the ball from Ichinose Kazuya. After the match, which ended in both groups not scoring a goal, since they were all equally matched, all of them listened to Endou's last speech, and promised that they'll keep on playing soccer from Endou's word that he said "Let's keep playing soccer!" to which everyone happily agreed to.
After Raimon won the Football Frontier, they were congratulated by other people at school. Hibiki suggested them to have a practice match against Spain's team, Barcelona Orb. Handa didn't play in the match, but he stayed on the bench watching the others and he was shocked when he saw that none of their hissatsu techniques worked against Barcelona Orb. In the end, Raimon lost 0-13, with everyone on the field being fatigued. The president of Japan's Soccer Association told them they had to disband and transfer to other schools in order to strengthen Japan's soccer. Like the rest of his teammates, Handa was shocked by the news and disappointed about the idea.
In order to recruit Handa, the player needs to defeat him in a soccer battle in Japan's camp. After defeating him, the player needs to spend blue coins in Japan's camp Gacha Machine.