Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

The Heavenly Emperor Stadium (アマノミカドスタジアム, Ama no Mikado Sutajiamu), also known as Heavenly Emperor (アマノミカド, Ama no Mikado) in the Inazuma Eleven GO game, is one of the stadiums and is the central and the main stadium of the Russian Roulette in the Holy Road nationals tournament.



(GO (022)) Russian Roulette Stadium

The exterior of the Heavenly Emperor Stadium.

Debuting in episode 22, this stadium was first seen in the Holy Road nationals opening ceremony, where the Holy Emperor makes his opening speech.

Heavenly Emperor Stadium raised

The stadium raised up.

It had made another appearance in episode 41, since the final opposing Raimon and Seidouzan will start. In episode 42, it rose into the sky since Raimon was playing against Dragonlink. The audience was shocked by that. But at the end of episode 44, it returned down and it was seen with many colored lights because of Raimon's victory.


As seen in a trailer of the GO game, the final will be Raimon against Seidouzan, and then against Dragonlink. As seen in a cutscene of the GO game, most of the Inazuma Japan members will watch the Holy Road's final in the Heavenly Emperor Stadium.

It is shown in the 46th cutscene of the game that after Raimon won, Hibiki is the one who was making the speech since he became the new Holy Emperor.


Inazuma Eleven GO[]



Taisen routes[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

Taisen routes[]

Legend Gate[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013[]



  • Its name, Heavenly Emperor Stadium, is a reference to the Holy Emperor of Fifth Sector.
    • Its dub name, Zenith Stadium, is derived from zenith, a further reference to the Holy Emperor, and an allusion to its ability to extend.
  • It is the only stadium in Russian Roulette which doesn't have its own specialty.

