All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has spiky blue hair with a yellow star piece accessory and black eyes. He has a fair skin and an average height.
He seems to care for the team, but he can also be quick tempered.
Along with most members of the Raimon second team, they get badly beaten and injured.
Because of the recent happening involving with Kuro no Kishidan, he quit the team, along with all Raimon second team members, even though Matsukaze Tenma persisted for them to stay.
He reappeared in episode 40 with the rest of the second team. He watched with his team the finals of the Holy Road, where Raimon played against Seidouzan in the first half and Dragonlink in the second half.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
School uniform
Raimon (GO)'s jacket
Raimon 2gun's uniform
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
School uniform
Raimon (GO)'s jacket
Raimon 2gun's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO
In order to recruit Hoshino, the following requirements are needed:
His name, Hoshino Ryuuhei, is derived from 星の流星 (read as "Hoshi no ryuusei"), which, in turn, means starry meteor, an allusion on his appearance and to his hissatsu techniques.
His dub forename, Sirius, is a reference to the eponymous brightest star in the night sky, which is also an allusion on his appearance and to his hissatsu techniques.