All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Houki is a big-body type goalkeeper. He has rather long black hair and yellow eye bags. He also has dark skin. His eyes are black.
He first appeared in episode 19 when his team, Kaiou, fought against Raimon in the Holy Road finals. He wasn't seen playing in the match, he was put as reserve and was watching the match along with the other reserves. At the end of the match, his team lost with 4-3.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
Kaiou Gakuen's uniform
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Kaiou Gakuen's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO
In order to recruit Houki, the following requirements are needed:
Item: Convenient SEED Notebook (便利なシード手帳, randomly dropped from Fifth Million (フィフスミリオン) [N] or Fifth Orion (フィフスオリオン) [R] around the Holy Road Stadium)
Photo: Sheep (ヒツジの写真, taken at Grinwell Village in King Arthur's era)
After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 520 Yuujou points.
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
In order to recruit Houki, the following requirements are needed:
Coin: × 1
Item: Small Simple Anchor (おてがるなイカリ, randomly dropped from Grand Bangs (グランバングス) at Odaiba's Ocean View Bridge)
Photo: New Surfboard (新作サーフボードの写真, taken at Odaiba's Aqua Mall equipment mart)
Topic: Touching Film (ホロリとくる映画の話題, obtained in Inazuma Town's Game Centre)
Topic: Favorite Animal (好きな動物の話題, obtained around the Kogarashi Manor)