Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Ika Michiyuki (位家(いか) 路主(みちゆき)), also known as Ikaros (イカロス, Ikarosu), is the reserve goalkeeper of Zeus.


Inazuma ElevenJP: T.B.A.
EN: He handles the ball in the air with the grace of a bird in flight.
Inazuma Eleven 2JP: T.B.A.
EN: He controls the ball in the air with the grace of a bird in flight.
Inazuma Eleven 3


Ikaros has light blue hair with a flap that covers his left eye and has brown eyes. He wears a gray with dark red headband.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Zeus' uniform (Z-F OW) Ika Michiyuki sprite (Z) Ika Michiyuki sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Zeus' uniform (Z) Ikaros 3D (1) (Z) Ikaros 3D (2) (Z) Ikaros 3D (3) (Z) Ikaros 3D (4)


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven
Japanese/American version
  • GP: 255
  • TP: 255
  • Kick: 84
  • Body: 84
  • Control: 84
  • Guard: 84
  • Speed: 84
  • Stamina: 84
  • Guts: 84
  • Freedom: 32

European version
  • GP: 182
  • TP: 149
  • Kick: 71
  • Body: 67
  • Control: 66
  • Guard: 79
  • Speed: 44
  • Stamina: 71
  • Guts: 64
  • Freedom: 13
Inazuma Eleven 2
Inazuma Eleven 3


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven
Lv. 1Hawk ShotShootWindT.B.A.40 (JP)
42 (EU)
Lv. 1Tatsumaki SenpuuDribbleWindT.B.A.22 (JP)
17 (EU)
Lv. 50Spinning CutBlockWindT.B.A.25 (JP)
30 (EU)
Lv. 78Heaven's TimeDribbleWindT.B.A.45 (JP)
46 (EU)
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha
Lv. 1Tsunami WallPunchCatchWind66 (JP)
73 (EU)
41 (JP)
43 (EU)
Lv. 1Hawk ShotShoot blockShootWind6842
Lv. 47Spinning CutShoot blockBlockWind4630
Lv. 70Heaven's TimeDribbleWind84 (JP)
89 (EU)
44 (JP)
46 (EU)
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 1Tsunami WallPunchCatchWind6142
Lv. 1Hawk ShotShoot blockShootWind4734
Lv. 47GalatynCatchWind4837
Lv. 62The IkarosDribbleFire9457

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven
Inazuma Eleven 2
Inazuma Eleven 3


