All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has a long purplish-blue braided ponytail and wears the uniform of Raimon's second team. He also has muscular body. He is also the tallest member of the second team.
He seems to care for the team and is a calm person, though in the end he quits the team.
His team gets beaten by Tsurugi's team, Kuro no Kishidan. After being beaten and injured they go to the bench and watch the match of Tenma and Tsurugi. The whole team gets surprised that Matsukaze was able to block Tsurugi's Death Sword unlike in which they cannot.
In the end, because of the Raimon first team, also getting beaten, all the members of the Raimon second team quit.
He reappeared in episode 40 with the rest of the second team in order to help Tenma in his duty as a captain.
He watched with his team the finals of the Holy Road, where Raimon played against Seidouzan in the first half and Dragonlink in the second half.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
School uniform
Raimon (GO)'s jacket
Raimon 2gun's uniform
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
School uniform
Raimon (GO)'s jacket
Raimon 2gun's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO
In order to recruit Ishikari, the following requirements are needed: