Kakita Taishou
School year
2nd year
Kakita Taishou (垣田 ( かきた ) 大将 ( たいしょう ) , Kakita Taishō ) is the goalkeeper and former captain for Manyuuji .
Profile [ ]
Inazuma Eleven 2 JP: T.B.A. EN: His ability and tactical acumen are both in heavy demand. Inazuma Eleven 3
Appearance [ ]
Kakita has tanned skin and is tall in height. He wears an orange bandanna on his head and he has black eyes. He noticeably has no eyebrows.
Plot [ ]
Season 2 [ ]
He first appears in episode 35 . When he and Raimon first meet, he explains about the pranks of Kogure Yuuya . He and the rest of his team fought against Epsilon . During the match, he used his hissatsu, Kaenhousha , in order to stop a shoot. However his team was no match for Epsilon and they lost with 16-0.
Season 3 [ ]
He watched the representative match with some of his team members in episode 69 .
Game appearance [ ]
Character sprite and avatar [ ]
Manyuuji's uniform
Character view [ ]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Manyuuji's uniform
Stats [ ]
All stats are at level 99 and untrained.
Inazuma Eleven 2
GP : 200
TP : 149
Kick : 71
Body : 71
Control : 76
Guard : 62
Speed : 58
Stamina : 75
Guts : 69
Freedom : 16
Inazuma Eleven 3
GP : 116
TP : 138
Kick : 58
Body : 71
Control : 53
Guard : 62
Speed : 58
Stamina : 57
Guts : 69
Freedom : 17
Hissatsu [ ]
Game exclusive teams [ ]
Inazuma Eleven 2
Inazuma Eleven 3
Gallery [ ]
Kakita falling victim to Kogure's prank.
Trivia [ ]
His name, Kakita Taishou, is derived from ガキ大将 (read as "Gaki taishou" ), which, in turn, is an anime trope roughly translating to brat leader .
If traded from an European Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha copy to an European Inazuma Eleven copy, his dub name will be Gen Fenced .
Additionally, the localized TCG uses his Inazuma Eleven dub name.
Navigation [ ]
Manyuuji Members Reserves Temporary member (Inazuma Eleven 2 only) Coach