Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Kakuma Oushou (角馬(かくま) 王将(おうしょう), Kakuma Ōshō) is the commentator for the Football Frontier tournament in the Inazuma Eleven series, the Holy Road tournament in the Inazuma Eleven GO series, and the Football Frontier International Vision 2 tournament in the Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy series.

In Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin, he is the commentator for the Football Frontier tournament.

In Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin, he is the commentator of the Asia-qualifying matches and also in the Football Frontier International world tournament, alongside with Maxter Land.


Chrono StoneJP: T.B.A.
EN: The famous live broadcaster! He'll commentate any match you want!


Inazuma Eleven[]

Season 1[]

He is the one who usually commentates the matches for the Football Frontier, but in the ceremony for the Football Frontier it was revealed that his son, Kakuma Keita, was the one who told him everything about Raimon to say.

Season 3[]

In season 3, Oushou appeared again in episode 91, riding in a taxi in Liocott Island, saying that Liocott Island was a very beautiful island, but that it was too bad that he won't be the one to commentate the matches for the Football Frontier International.

Later in the plot, he was passing by the match between Orpheus and Team K, which had a few members from Inazuma Japan playing as members of Orpheus, so he decided to provide a commentary for that match.

Inazuma Eleven GO[]

He appeared in episode 21, where he commentated for the Holy Road ceremony. After that, he commentated all the Holy Road national matches.

Commentated matches[]

Inazuma Eleven[]

Inazuma Eleven GO[]

Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin[]

Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin[]

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Casual (GO) Kakuma Oushou sprite (GO)
Earth Eleven's uniform (EE-J) Kakuma Oushou sprite

SD puppet[]

Commentator Kakuma Oushou puppet (commentator) (SD)


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

In order to recruit Oushou, the following password has to be entered first: じっきょうのおに (Jikkyou no oni, lit. Live Demon) the following requirements are needed:

After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 1400 Kizuna points.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
  • GP: 170
  • TP: 113
  • Kick: 66
  • Dribbling: 64
  • Block: 104
  • Catch: 149
  • Technique: 116
  • Speed: 60
  • Stamina: 109
  • Lucky: 123
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Lv. 1Excellent BreastCatchMountain602520-10
Lv. 14Abare GurumaPunchCatchMountain803030-10
Lv. 29The WallShoot blockBlockMountain5019305
Lv. 45Serpent FangCatchMountain1304575-20
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 3Dokonjou CatchCatchMountain501530-10
Lv. 12Wild DunkCatchWind401020-5
Lv. 30Gigant WallCatchMountain11030500
Lv. 44Fukutsu no SeishinSkill icon (GX)-----


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

Keshin Armed[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy




(DOA) Kakuma Oushou

Oushou in Downer Onee-san wa Asobitai.

  • He appears in Danball Senki as the commentator of "Akihabara Kingdom" and "B. C. Extras" (Big City Extras), which is a Cosplay and LBX tournament.
  • He makes a cameo appearance in the Downer Onee-san wa Asobitai[1] manga series.

