Kashio Seigo
School year
1st year
Kashio Seigo (樫尾 ( かしお ) 星五 ( せいご ) ) is a defender for Tengawara .
Profile [ ]
GO JP: He specializes in furious charges that use his shoulders, and likes making his opponents trip. EN: Has a habit of knocking other players over with his rough shoulder charge. Chrono Stone
Spin-offs SD He specializes in furious charges that use his shoulders, and likes making his opponents trip.
Appearance [ ]
He has reddish-brown puffy hair and red eyes. He also has fair skin and wears blue headphones around his neck.
Plot [ ]
His team played against Raimon , but in the end they lost with 2-1.
Game appearance [ ]
Character avatar [ ]
Tengawara's uniform
SD avatar[ ]
SD puppet[ ]
Character view [ ]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Tengawara's uniform
SD character view[ ]
Front overview
Back overview
Recruitment [ ]
Inazuma Eleven GO
In order to recruit Kashio, the following requirements are needed:
Item : Tengawara Tea (てんがわらティー, randomly dropped from Bankarazu (バンカラズ) [S] or Banchos (バンチョーズ) [D] in Tengawara )
Manual : Elephant Press
Item : Kaminari Shoes (カミナリシューズ, can be bought at Teikoku Gakuen )
After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 640 Yuujou points.
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Kashio, the following requirements are needed:
After this, he can scouted for an amount of 360 Yuujou points.
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Stats [ ]
All stats are at level 99 and untrained.
Inazuma Eleven GO
GP : 164
TP : 160
Kick : 84
Dribbling : 80
Technique : 95
Block : 150
Speed : 92
Stamina : 110
Catch : 68
Lucky : 107
Freedom : 95
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
GP : 147
TP : 144
Kick : 57
Dribbling : 55
Block : 144
Catch : 52
Technique : 102
Speed : 64
Stamina : 102
Lucky : 94
Freedom : 83
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
GP : 147
TP : 144
Kick : 57
Dribbling : 55
Block : 144
Catch : 52
Technique : 102
Speed : 64
Stamina : 102
Lucky : 94
Freedom : 240
All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.
Inazuma Eleven SD
GP : 219
TP : 104
Kick : 31
Dribble : 43
Block : 56
Catch : 27
Hissatsu [ ]
Main-series games [ ]
Spin-off games [ ]
Game exclusive teams [ ]
Gallery [ ]
Trivia [ ]
His surname, Kashio, is derived from カシオペヤ座 (read as "Kashiopeya za" ), which, in turn, means Cassiopeia constellation , a reference to Tengawara 's naming motif.
His dub name, Scotty O'Brien, is an amalgamation of science fiction characters: His dub forename is a reference to the eponymous character from Star Trek , which is also a reference to Tengawara's dub naming motif. His dub surname is a reference to eponymous character from Star Trek , which is also a reference to Tengawara's dub naming motif.
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