JP:Although he's an excellent ninja, he sometimes forgets the rules of soccer and uses his hands. EN:Sometimes forgets football rules in favour of his ninja techniques.
Inazuma Eleven 2
JP:Although he's an excellent ninja, he sometimes forgets the rules of soccer and uses his hands. EN:He occasionally eschews the rules of football in favour of using his ninja skills.
Inazuma Eleven 3
Chrono Stone
JP:Although he's an excellent ninja, he sometimes forgets the rules of soccer and uses his hands. EN:He occasionally eschews the rules of football to use his ninja skills.
Although he's a remarkably excellent ninja, he sometimes forgets he's in the middle of a match and uses his hands.
JP:Although he's an excellent ninja, he sometimes forgets the rules of soccer and uses his hands. EN:He sometimes eschews the rules of football to use his ninja skills.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Kirigakure has pale, dusty pink hair, shaped like smoke going off to the side, with two bangs on the side having spirals in the middle of them. His eyebrows are shaped as two black dots on his forehead. He has bright red eyes with black eyeliner wings on the outer corners.
Before the game, when both teams were practicing, Kirigakure goes over to Raimon's side of the field first, stealing the ball from Gouenji and challenging the striker to a race, but was declined. Kazemaru said that they should ignore Kirigakure and keep practicing. Kazemaru then looked at Miyasaka and decides he doesn't want to disappoint him so he accepts the challenge. The challenge is stopped halfway through because of two teammates from Sengoku Igajima.
They said that they should not be wasting their time and apologized to Raimon. Kirigakure leaves Kazemaru. intentionally forgetting his name and calling him "Fujimaru". During the game he made a goal with Tsuchi Daruma, breaking through Endou's Nekketsu Punch and God Hand.
Season 3[]
He joined Neo Japan after coach Hitomiko called him because he wanted to represent Japan and become stronger. But his team end up losing against Inazuma Japan, failing their goal to replace them as Japan's representative team.
His name, Kirigakure Saiji, is derived from 霧隠才蔵, which, in turn, means Kirigakure Saizou, a legendary ninja renowned as a master of Iganinjutsu, a reference to Sengoku Igajima's naming motif.
When taunting Kazemaru, he calls him Fujimaru (dub: Speedy-Green-Hair).