JP:While he has a polite personality, he also shows a callous side that doesn't defy greater power. EN:Always very polite, but never stands up to authority and can be heartless.
Chrono Stone
Tengawara Junior High's captain who has a polite personality. He always wears a headband due to his curly hair.
GO Strikers 2013
While he has a polite personality, he also shows a callous side that doesn't defy greater power.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has orange hair and green eyes. He wears a white headband and ties his hair into a messy ponytail, with one rebel strand sticking out on his forehead.
He seemed to be a nice person, saying that he wants to have a real game against Raimon and also saying something nice about Shindou after the match ended. He has the same passion and desire to be able to play "real soccer" and also cares for soccer too. He also seems to dislike the matches fixed by Fifth Sector, although just like most members in his team, he plays roughly.
He is the captain of Tengawara, who fought against Raimon in the Kanto Region Block A prelims of the Holy Road football tournament. Before the match, when the two teams were introducing themselves, Kita's teammates, Nishinosora, Andou, and Hayabusa were making fun of Raimon's members.
When they leave for their positions, Kita apologized to Shindou for his teammates' rude behavior. He said that it was a pity; he wanted a real game against Raimon, instead of following a score order.
During the game, when Shindou, Tenma, and Shinsuke rebel against Fifth Sector's orders, Kita asked why they were rebelling, and that there was a score order. To this, Shindou said that he didn't want to listen to Fifth Sector, and that he wanted a real win. When Tengawara started to play roughly, Tenma protested to Kita, as to why they were playing in that manner; Tengawara played against Raimon valiantly and fairly in the past years.
Kita simply said that the way they were playing at the moment was "their own soccer", then proceeded to continue playing that way. When the match ended, 2-1, Raimon's victory, Kita said something good about Shindou and how brave he was for opposing Fifth Sector. He also thanked him for making them have a fair match.
In episode 32, Shindou mentioned that Kita has called him and said that he remembered real soccer.
Item: Osharena Pendant (おしゃれなペンダント, can be bought at the Holy Liner Station)
After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 860 Yuujou points.
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Kita, 3 players have to be scouted from the same community master to make him a scoutable option first. Also, the following requirements are needed:
Topic: Weather Forecast (天気予報の話題, obtained at the Steel Tower Plaza)
Photo: Chinsukou (ちんすこうの写真, taken at Okinawa's market)
Record: Brilliant Soccer Team (スゴ腕サッカーチーム, win 100 soccer battles)
Encounter: Meet Kita (きたに会おう!, on the path to the Steel Tower Plaza)
After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 630 Yuujou points.
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
In order to recruit Kita, 5 players have to be scouted from the same community master to make him a scoutable option first. Also, the following requirements are needed:
Coin: × 2
Item: Bold Tanzaku (だいたんな短冊, randomly dropped from Freedom Friends (フリーダムフレンズ) in Inazuma Town's park)
Item: Simple Dryer (やさしいドライヤー, randomly dropped from Dream Hairs (ドリームヘアーズ) at Odaiba)
Topic: Tomorrow's Weather (明日の天気の話題, obtained at Odaiba's Yacht Harbor)
Topic: Great Hairstyle (すごい髪型の話題, obtained at Raimon's schoolyard)
After this, he can be scouted.
All stats are at level 99 and untrained.
Inazuma Eleven GO
GP: 125
TP: 175
Kick: 138
Dribbling: 117
Technique: 110
Block: 117
Speed: 88
Stamina: 79
Catch: 58
Lucky: 106
Freedom: 91
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
GP: 122
TP: 160
Kick: 133
Dribbling: 100
Block: 114
Catch: 55
Technique: 107
Speed: 85
Stamina: 66
Lucky: 104
Freedom: 57
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
GP: 122
TP: 160
Kick: 133
Dribbling: 100
Block: 114
Catch: 55
Technique: 107
Speed: 85
Stamina: 66
Lucky: 104
Freedom: 210
All stats are fully upgraded.
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
TP: 170
Kick: S
Guard: A
Body: A
Speed: A
Control: A
Catch: B
All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.
Artwork of Tsurugi, Hakuryuu, Shindou, Kita and Ibuki.
Artwork of Kita's badge.
His name, Kita Ichiban, is derived from 北一番星 (read "Kita ichiban boshi"), which, in turn, means first evening star of thenorth, a reference to Tengawara's naming motif. Interestingly, his surname correlates with 3 other Tengawara members: Minami (south), Nishinosora (west), and Higashi (east).
His dub name, Jimmy Kyrk, is derived from James T. Kirk, a starship captain from Star Trek, a reference to Tengawara's dub naming motif.