Koutei Penguin 1gou is a hissatsu technique created by Kageyama[1], which would severely strain the user's body, making them quickly reach their limit if used twice and eventually putting their own life at risk if used a third time. Additionally, whoever attempts to stop it also severely strains their body. Seeing its harmful nature, Teikoku Gakuen deemed it to be a forbidden technique and sealed it off alongside Beast Fang.
In the match between Shin Teikoku Gakuen and Raimon[2], Sakuma used it, breaking through Endou's God Hand[1] and successfully scoring Shin Teikoku Gakuen's first goal, straining his body in the process. Sakuma used it again to try to score, breaking through Kidou's bodily defense but being stopped by Endou's Majin The Hand, reaching his limit and injuring all involved in the process. Sakuma used it once more to try to score, but it was deflected by Someoka's bodily defense, severely injuring both of them in the process.
Inazuma Eleven 3
Can be bought in Cotoarl's Hidden Treasure shop for 12,000 Nekketsu points.
The user whistles and crouches as five red penguins emerge from the ground, flying into the air and quickly diving back towards them. They then reel back their right leg as the ball gets covered with red glows of energy, with all the penguins surrounding them in a circle. Once all the penguins peck their leg, they kick the ball into the air, turning the red glows of energy into an orange, spiky arrow. The penguins leave their leg and quickly fly towards the ball and simultaneously peck at it, changing the orange energy back into red, with the penguins closely following behind as it heads towards the goal.
Koutei Penguin 1gou being used in Downer Onee-san wa Asobitai (1/2).
Koutei Penguin 1gou being used in Downer Onee-san wa Asobitai (2/2).
Koutei Penguin 1gou could be considered the strongest hissatsu technique since its penguins are used in Penguin The Hand, which was created by combining the strongest shots Endou has ever faced.
In volume 9 of the Inazuma Eleven manga, Sakuma considered using it as a last-ditch effort against The Empire, but Kidou prevented him from doing so.
In Inazuma Eleven AC, despite its several updates, Koutei Penguin 1gou never had an animation to accompany it.