Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Kurama Norihito

Kurama Norihito (倉間(くらま) 典人(のりひと)) is a supporting character of the Inazuma Eleven GO. He is a forward for Raimon.

In Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone, he is a forward for Raimon, and, later, for El Dorado Team 02. In the Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone game, he is an optional member for El Dorado Team 01.


GOJP: He appears cold at first, but his heart is filled with feelings for soccer that have no outlet.
EN: His seemingly unconcerned attitude hides an intense passion for football.
Chrono StoneJP: He takes on a cold demeanor for some reason, hiding his passionate feelings for soccer.
EN: His seemingly unconcerned attitude hides an intense passion for football.
Strikers 2012 XtremeHe appears cold at first, but his heart is filled with feelings for soccer that have no outlet.
GO Strikers 2013He takes on a cold demeanor for some reason, hiding his passionate feelings for soccer.
SDHe appears cold at first, but his heart is filled with feelings for soccer that have no outlet.


He has light dull teal hair, black eyes and dark skin. His hair covers his left eye. He's the second shortest member of the team after Shinsuke.

His casual clothes are white shirt with black sleeves and black skull pattern, black pants and black shoes.

King Arthur's Era[]

In King Arthur's Era, he wears a white, brown and black knight uniform. His cape is red and he also has a sword.


He is short-tempered and gets angry easily, and is a person who despises "annoying" people like Tenma, who from the start is one of the few who refuse to acknowledge him. He does, however, care for the team deeply and share the same desire to succeed, shown especially in episode 15, episode 16, and episode 17 where he was determined to finish Ultimate Thunder. As shown in episode 39, Kurama is able to recognize the strengths of his teammates and does not value his own pride over the team's success.

Kurama is seemingly close to his fellow second years, particularly Hamano and Hayami, playing the role of the 'calm one' and is more or less pessimistic. He tries to hide his admiration for others, the game humorously hinting that he possesses several posters of famous soccer players around his room. Kurama rarely seems to confide in many people and warms up to only a few. He does start to warm up to Tenma however, even giving him advice for some things, but still referring to him as annoying.


Inazuma Eleven GO[]

He is first seen along with the whole Raimon team that is led by Shindou Takuto to help the second team that got attacked by Tsurugi Kyousuke. Afterwards, some members of Raimon quit and Matsukaze Tenma said something about soccer to which Kurama just laughed off. Even though he laughed, he is one of the few who stayed at Raimon.

When Kudou Michiya was fired from his position of coach, Kurama believes that the cause of his leaving was Matsukaze's. As the story progresses, he grows to despise Tenma even more. In episode 11, after Minamisawa leaves the team, he is especially shocked and is so agitated he blames Tenma for ruining their soccer as opposed to Fifth Sector and Tsurugi.

Before the match against Mannouzaka in the second match of the Holy Road tournament, he warned Tenma that he will stop him from making a move against Fifth Sector. However, when Mannouzaka forwards Isozaki Kenma and Mitsuyoshi Yozakura advance on him during the match after realizing that Kurama was the only one not playing up to their fullest, it seemed that he would not make a move. Unexpectedly, he kicks the ball to Tsurugi at the last second.

In the following episodes in episode 15, episode 16 and episode 17, he was more determined to help with the team, though he still has the personality of getting angry. It can be seen that he was determined to finish Ultimate Thunder during the episodes and he was a bit more trusting as shown that he agrees on letting Tsurugi play this time during episode 17.

Kurama was revealed to have a shoot hissatsu technique, Sidewinder, in episode 20. This shot was the first one that was attempted by Raimon against Kaiou, but failed against Hydro Anchor.

In episode 21, he used Sidewinder against the Akizora Challengers, but failed to make it in the goal since Kogure Yuuya stopped it with Senpuujin.

In episode 23, he made a chain shoot with Tenma's Mach Wind to score, with his Sidewinder, breaking through Hyoudou Tsukasa and his Kyoshin Gigantes' Gigantic Bomb.

Against Hakuren in episode 26, he used Sidewinder again but failed against Shirosaki Katsuya's Crystal Barrier.

In episode 34, he used Sidewinder again to shoot but failed again as it was caught by Utsurogi Sanemi's Kage Tsukami.

In episode 35, he is switched by Kageyama Hikaru in the match against Genei Gakuen, and he helped Hamano reach the bench along with Midori with Hamano's injured leg. When he got switched, he wishes for both Kageyama and Aoyama to do their best in the match.

In episode 37, he used Sidewinder and scored a goal to Nishizono Shinsuke, during a training to help it to brings out his Keshin.

It is seen in the preview of episode 38 that he can't play in the Desert Stadium because of the field. In episode 39, in the second half, he is replaced by Hikaru. He is surprised by this order at first, but after hearing Kidou's strategy, Kurama accepts the decision and encourages Hikaru to do his best.

In episode 40, he and the rest of the team went to the hospital and he was sad about Shindou can't play in finals along with Raimon. Later, he and the rest weren't focused on the training. He was also happy when he saw Coach Endou was back.

In the finals of the Holy Road, he used Sidewinder against Seidouzan but it was blocked by Masaki's Shoot Break. Later, when Seidouzan was replaced by Dragonlink, he was apprehensive as he saw Sangoku hopelessly trying to deflect Dragonlink's forward shoots. Later, he saved Tenma as he blocked the shoot by himself, which Yamato shot against Tenma. He became injured and was carried to the bench by Hamano and Hayami, being replaced by Hikaru. At the end of the match, Raimon won with 5-4.

Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone[]

A New Threat[]

In episode 1, it was revealed that he cannot remember anything about soccer along with Amagi and the whole Raimon team to which shocked Tenma.

In episode 3, he appeared alongside with the Raimon soccer team. They remembered their memories for soccer again but they didn't know who Tsurugi Kyousuke was. He agreed to help Tsurugi Yuuichi, Tenma and Fei Rune to bring back the soccer and stop the plans of El Dorado.

In episode 6, he got badly injured by Beta and was replaced by Hikaru. After the match, whole Raimon went back to their timeline. When they arrived, Kurama left the team like the others who don't have a Keshin.

France Era[]

In episode 18, as he came back with the rest of the team. He was shown to have caught not a single fish along with Ichino and Aoyama, while Hayami only got one, then they were suddenly attacked, just like the rest of the other teammembers, luckily, they won somehow because of Kurama getting a goal with Sidewinder.

Three Kingdoms Era[]

In episode 23, he and Kariya were scared as they saw some Karakuri Bingmayong soldiers walking in their direction. They later had a match against the dolls. In the end, Raimon won by 2-1, with the two goals scored by Taiyou; one with Taiyou Shin Apollo's mighty shoot and other with Sunshine Force.

King Arthur's Era[]

In episode 35, Kurama was chosen to go to the King Arthur era. After the incident in the time travel towards King Arthur's realm, he became a member of Entaku no Kishidan.

In episode 37, he used Sidewinder towards some snakes blocking their path towards Grief Cave, scaring them and clearing the path. Before the match against Perfect Cascade, he revealed he didn't consider Tenma as a "leader" and thought Shindou was a better at this role.

In episode 38, he encouraged Tenma by saying even though Shindou was more cut out to be a leader, he thought Tenma was the best captain they ever had, because he's not just a captain who leads. After the match ended, he listened to King Arthur's words with the others, and later he was teleported into the Route Craft along with the rest of Raimon.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

He is seen in episode 1 where he doesn't get selected for Inazuma Japan. He watched the match against Teikoku.

He reappears in episode 19 with the rest of Raimon and they have a practice match with the Earth Eleven and he then waves as the Galaxy Nauts Gou leaves.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

School uniform (R-SU (GO)) Kurama Norihito sprite
Raimon (GO)'s jacket (R-J (GO)) Kurama Norihito sprite
Raimon (GO)'s uniform (R (GO)) Kurama Norihito sprite
Time Travel clothes Kurama Norihito sprite (France)Kurama Norihito sprite (knight)Kurama Norihito sprite (caveman)
Entaku no Kishidan's uniform (EK) Kurama Norihito sprite
El Dorado Team 01's uniform (R-A (CS)) Kurama Norihito sprite
El Dorado Team 02's uniform (PO) Kurama Norihito sprite
Earth Eleven's uniform (EE) Kurama Norihito sprite

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Save icon Kurama Norihito save icon (S)
Shinsei Raimon (SR) Kurama Norihito sprite (S) (SR) Kurama Norihito versus sprite (S) (1)(SR) Kurama Norihito versus sprite (S) (2)

SD avatar[]

Avatar Sticker
Shinsei Raimon (SR) Kurama Norihito sprite (SD) (SR) Kurama Norihito sticker (SD)
Kira Natsu (KN) Kurama Norihito sprite (SD) (KN) Kurama Norihito sticker (SD)

SD puppet[]

Kira Natsu (KN) Kurama Norihito puppet (SD)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
School uniform (R-SU (GO)) Kurama 3D (1) (R-SU (GO)) Kurama 3D (2) (R-SU (GO)) Kurama 3D (3) (R-SU (GO)) Kurama 3D (4)
Raimon (GO)'s jacket (R-J (GO)) Kurama 3D (1) (R-J (GO)) Kurama 3D (2) (R-J (GO)) Kurama 3D (3) (R-J (GO)) Kurama 3D (4)
Raimon (GO)'s uniform (R (GO)) Kurama 3D (1) (R (GO)) Kurama 3D (2) (R (GO)) Kurama 3D (3) (R (GO)) Kurama 3D (4)
Entaku no Kishidan's armor (EK) Kurama 3D (1) (EK) Kurama 3D (2) (EK) Kurama 3D (3) (EK) Kurama 3D (4)
El Dorado Team 02's uniform (PO) Kurama 3D (1) (PO) Kurama 3D (2) (PO) Kurama 3D (3) (PO) Kurama 3D (4)

SD character view[]

Front overview
Shinsei Raimon (SR) Kurama 3D (SD)
Kira Natsu (KN) Kurama 3D (SD)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In both versions of the game, Kuruma can be recruited by selecting him as one of the players that will join Earth Eleven during the Grand Celesta Galaxy. Otherwise, in order to recruit Kuruma, Ixal Fleet has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Goldcoin × 5
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy ミニチュアキャラバン Miniature Caravan (ミニチュアキャラバン, randomly dropped from Legend 2 Nensei in Fuyukai Suguru's right taisen route)
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy 竜巻扇風機 Tornado Fan (竜巻扇風機, randomly dropped from Volkeno Red (ボルケノレッド) at Gurdon's city)
  • Photo: Photo icon Worn Out Refrigerator (ふるぼけた冷蔵庫の写真, taken at Kogarashi Manor's first floor)
  • Photo: Photo icon 3 Colored Soccer Ball (3色のサッカーボールの写真, taken at Odaiba's Seaside Stadium)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO
  • GP: 164
  • TP: 159
  • Kick: 155
  • Dribbling: 95
  • Technique: 107
  • Block: 79
  • Speed: 91
  • Stamina: 98
  • Catch: 57
  • Lucky: 110
  • Freedom: 94
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
  • TP: 160
  • Kick: A
  • Guard: B
  • Body: B
  • Speed: B
  • Control: B
  • Catch: C
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013

All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.

Inazuma Eleven SD
Shinsei Raimon
  • GP: 214
  • TP: 101
  • Kick: 60
  • Dribble: 42
  • Block: 35
  • Catch: 24

Kira Natsu
  • GP: 222
  • TP: 119
  • Kick: 66
  • Dribble: 46
  • Block: 32
  • Catch: 24


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO
Lv. 5SidewinderShoot chainShootMountain8035
Lv. 15Boomerang FeintDribbleMountain8028
Lv. 30Acrobat KeepDribbleMountain12036
Lv. 45Ballista ShotLong ShootShootMountain15060
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Lv. 1SidewinderShoot chainShootMountain60353020
Lv. 15Mogura FeintDribbleMountain5024205
Lv. 30Acrobat KeepDribbleMountain120366020
Lv. 45Tiger DriveLong ShootShootMountain70454530
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 1SidewinderShoot chainShootMountain5020305
Lv. 15Mogura FeintDribbleMountain3010100
Lv. 30Acrobat KeepDribbleMountain11040505
Lv. 45Extreme RabbitShootMountain1707015010
Legend Gate
-Sidewinder V3Shoot chainShootMountain5020305
-Boomerang Feint 改DribbleMountain6020305
-Acrobat KeepDribbleMountain11040505

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Level 1Sidewinder Shoot chainShootMountain5030
Level 2Sidewinder V2 Shoot chainShootMountain7040
Level 2Acrobat KeepDribbleFire6040
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 1Sidewinder Shoot chainShootMountain5030
Level 2Sidewinder V2 Shoot chainShootMountain7040
Level 2Acrobat KeepDribbleMountain6030
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven SD
Shinsei Raimon
2Boomerang FeintDribbleMountain21-5014-21
C rankSetsuyaku!Skill icon (GX)---
S rankIkasama!Skill icon (GX)---
Kira Natsu
1Sidewinder (Umi)ShootMountain38-9025-37
2Acrobat KeepDribbleMountain26-6217-25
C rankYama no KokoroeSkill icon (GX)---
A rankNenshou TaiseiSkill icon (GX)---
S rankChance GetterSkill icon (GX)---


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Keshin Armed[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Best match Mixi Max

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone


