JP:The perfect soccer player who has all three qualities: heart, technique, and physique. Truly the "heaven-sent soccer God child." EN:A perfect football player in mind, body and technique. Truly blessed.
Chrono Stone
The perfect soccer player who has all three qualities: heart, technique, and physique. He's universally recognized as the heaven-sent soccer God child.
GO Strikers 2013
The perfect soccer player who has all three qualities: heart, technique, and physique. Truly the "heaven-sent soccer God child."
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has a quite feminine appearance, he has brown waist-length hair tied into a loose ponytail that falls over his right shoulder and he has scarlet red eyes. He wears a thin white headband.
Makoto is shown to be quite friendly, as seen when he first greeted Tenma before entering the Heavenly Emperor Stadium field. He can be quite serious and cold at times, mostly during the matches.
He appeared again in episode 40, playing with Seidouzan against Senbayama in the Cyclone Stadium. They won with a terrifying score of 16-0.
He appeared again in episode 41. He was seen with the other members of Seidouzan in the Heavenly Emperor Stadium, ready to play in the final of the Holy Road. During the match, he displayed amazing speed in his plays, cutting through passes, and stealing the ball at a rapid pace. He then used Ballista Shot and scored the first goal for his team.
His surname, Kurosaki, is derived from クロノス (read as "Kuronosu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Cronus, the Greek Titan of harvest and the leader of the first generation of Titans, a reference to Seidouzan's naming motif.
His dub forename, Cronus, is a reference to the eponymous Greek Titan, which is also a reference to Seidouzan's naming motif. Interestingly, his dub surname, Fourseasons, is a reference to Cronus maintaining the course and cycle of seasons.
Ishido, later revealed to be the alias of Gouenji, is implied to have taught Kurosaki how to use Gazard and perform Bakunetsu Storm due to his role as Seidouzan's coach.
He's one of the only left-footed players in the anime, alongside Gouenji.