Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Kyan Rinka (喜屋武(きゃん) 梨花(りんか)), also known as Kyan (キャン), is a midfielder for Oumihara.

In Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!, she is a midfielder for Joshi Senbatsu Team.


Inazuma Eleven 2JP: She loves collecting seashells. She can name almost any shell.
EN: She has an extensive collection of seashells and knows the name of almost all of them.
Inazuma Eleven 3
GalaxyShe loves collecting pretty seashells at the beach. She can correctly name any seashell.
StrikersJP: She loves collecting seashells. She can name almost any shell.
EN: She has a huge collection of seashells and knows the name of every one.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013


Kyan has short, ginger coloured hair and teal-colored eyes. She is very small and short in stature. In addition to the standard Oumihara uniform, she also wears a light-blue, conch seashell hat. She has a pale skin tone, in contrast to most of her teammates.


She is portrayed as a kind person, and as with the rest of her team, she loves surprises. When Tsunami asked the team how to steal a dribble, Kyan, along with almost all of her teammates, were huddled up, frightened of Tsunami's seriousness.



Kyan played against Raimon in a friendly match, along with the rest of her teammates. In the end, her team lost the match. After the game, Oumihara's coach set up a barbecue to celebrate. Kyan offered a shish kabob to Fubuki, but he kindly declined the offer.


Ie2 gouenjitraining

Rinka watching Gouenji train on the beach

In the anime, Gouenji was under Hijikata Raiden's care. However, in the game version, Kyan Rinka was trapped in the mysterious whirlpool (that didn't make an appearance in the anime), but was rescued by Gouenji. To pay back the favor, Rinka went around the city hiding him from people, especially the Raimon Eleven, in the lighthouse. Gouenji made this connection with her because she reminded him of his little sister, Yuuka. However, Kidou noticed that she was acting strangely, as she was silent whenever anyone spoke about Gouenji around her. Everyone began to suspect that she was being kidnapped, since she kept visiting the lighthouse. When the others discovered that Rinka wasn't actually being kidnapped, she told them the story, although not immediately. She noted that Gouenji would practice playing soccer every day in Okinawa.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Oumihara's uniform (O OW) Kyan Rinka sprite (O) Kyan Rinka sprite(O-A) Kyan Rinka sprite
Joshi Senbatsu Team's uniform (IJ-A OW) Kyan Rinka sprite (IJ-A) Kyan Rinka sprite
Raimon's uniform (GO) (R) Kyan Rinka sprite (GO)

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Girls Team (GT) Kyan Rinka sprite (S) (GT) Kyan Rinka versus sprite (S) (1)(GT) Kyan Rinka versus sprite (S) (2)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Oumihara's uniform (O) Kyan 3D (1) (O) Kyan 3D (2) (O) Kyan 3D (3) (O) Kyan 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Kyan, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Redcoin × 9
  • Topic: Topic icon Beautiful Beach (きれいなビーチの話題, obtained at Inazuma Town's Shopping District alley)
  • Topic: Topic icon Tropical Vacation (南国バカンスの話題, obtained at Odaiba's Ocean View Bridge)
  • Topic: Topic icon Proud of the Collection (自慢のコレクションの話題, obtained in Odaiba's Aqua Mall)
  • Topic: Topic icon Outdoorsy (アウトドア派の話題, obtained around Raimon's Budoukan)

After this, she can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 2
  • GP: 173
  • TP: 109
  • Kick: 59
  • Body: 60
  • Control: 53
  • Guard: 55
  • Speed: 52
  • Stamina: 59
  • Guts: 60
  • Freedom: 25
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 113
  • TP: 153
  • Kick: 95
  • Dribbling: 141
  • Block: 96
  • Catch: 76
  • Technique: 107
  • Speed: 136
  • Stamina: 73
  • Lucky: 113
  • Freedom: 200

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven Strikers
  • TP: 130
  • Kick: B
  • Guard: A
  • Body: B
  • Speed: C
  • Control: C
  • Catch: B
Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha
Lv. 1Never Give UpSkill icon (GX)---
Lv. 1Fuusen GumDribbleFire2822
Lv. 44Flame DanceBlockFire5432
Lv. 56Armadillo CircusDribbleFire7338
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 1Never Give UpSkill icon (GX)---
Lv. 1Fuusen GumDribbleFire1725
Lv. 44Whale GuardBlockWind7350
Lv. 56The HurricaneShootWind9958
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 1Fuusen GumDribbleFire8030405
Lv. 18Love ArrowShootFire7030405
Lv. 30MegalodonShootWind60304020
Lv. 56Round SparkDribbleFire160707050

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers
Level 1Fuusen GumDribbleFire4020
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Level 1Fuusen GumDribbleFire4020
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 1Fuusen GumDribbleFire4020

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven Strikers
Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013



