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Inazuma Eleven Wiki

The following is a list of routes appearing in Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!.

Hirai Shinzou's route[]

Shinzou's route-1 Shinzou's route-2

Left route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Joshi Senbatsu Team 8 Win the match Security Shoes, Teppeki no Glove, Defensive Copper Pendant
2 Neo Japan 13 Win the match Dust Warriors, Neo Japan Spike, Neo Japan Glove
3 Neo Japan Kai 23 Win the match Neo Japan Spike, Neo Japan Glove, Defensive Silver Pendant
Treasure chests Normal Raimon Gym's Key
S clear Tamano Gorou

Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Big Waves 22 Win the match Ootsunami no Spike, Ootsunami no Glove, Power Copper Pendant
2 Desert Lion 23 Win the match D Lion Shoes, D Lion Glove, Defensive Copper Pendant
3 Fire Dragon 27 Win the match Asia Qualifying Memories, Hiryuu no Spike, Hiryuu no Gloves
4 Asia Daihyou 34 Win the match Zeus Ticket, Defensive Silver Pendant, Power Silver Pendant
Treasure chests Normal Tactics symbol Perfect Zone Press
S clear Matsuno Kuusuke

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Knights of Queen 39 Win the match Knights Spike, Knights Glove, [SK] Ike Ike!
2 The Empire 43 Win the match Empire Shoes, Empire Glove, Empire Wear
3 Unicorn 45 Win the match Unicorn Spike, Unicorn Glove, Old Pinbatch
4 Orpheus 47 Win the match Orpheus Shoes, Orpheus Glove, Power Silver Pendant
5 The Kingdom 49 Win the match Kingdom Spike, Kingdom Glove, [SK] Shoot Plus
6 Little Gigant 51 Win the match Cotarl Shoes, Cotarl Glove, L Gigant Wear
7 Team Garshield 52 Win the match Yabou no Spike, Yabou no Glove, [SK] Speed Plus
Treasure chests Normal Tactics symbol Amazon River Wave
S clear Tactics symbol Circle Play Drive
The Ogre

Kira Hitomiko's route[]


Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Neo Teikoku Win the match Kaminari Wear, Brain Spike, [SK] Zokusei Kyouka
2 Keibi Machines 43 Win the match Keibi Machines Wear, Shinkuu no Spike, Uragiri no Glove
3 Aliea A Win the match Gekkou no Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Setsuyaku!
4 Aliea B Win the match Gekkou no Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Shoot Plus
5 Kami to Uchuu Win the match Skull Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Gakushuu
6 Jukai Team 43 Win the match Maze Spike, Shinrin no Glove, Old Pinbatch
7 Kyappikyapi A Male players only Sailor Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Muzokusei
8 Little Team Players without Shoot hissatsu Stripe Wear 2, [SH] Corodra Shoot, [SK] Ikemen UP!
9 Super Animals Players without Catch hissatsu Yuuyake no Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Defense Force
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Zokusei Kyouka
S clear [SH] Fire Blizzard (fire) (Spark version)
[SH] Fire Blizzard (wind) (Bomber version)

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 FF Chiku Senbatsu B Win the match Space Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Chouwaza!
2 FF Zenkoku Senbatsu B Win the match Marshall Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Zokusei Kyouka
3 SP Fixers Win the match SP Wear, Security Shoes, Teppeki no Glove
4 Zenkoku Team Senbatsu B Win the match V Sign Wear, Wake Spike, [SK] Offense Plus
5 Team Higashinihon 56 Win the match Shiei Paburu Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Chouwaza!
6 Osaka Gals CCC Win the match Osaka Gals Wear, Naniwa no Spike, Otome no Glove
7 Inazuma '09 Win the match Multi-Use Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Recovery
8 Nippon Daihyou Kouho B 68 Win the match [OF] Fuujin no Mai, [GK] Mugen The Hand, [SH] Bakunetsu Screw
9 First Raimon Win the match [SH] Bakunetsu Storm, [OF] Fuujin no Mai, [SH] The Hurricane
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Muzokusei
S clear [SH] Thunder Beast
The Ogre

Raimon Souichirou's route[]

Souichirou's route 1 Souichirou's route 2

Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Nanbei Daihyou Win the match Gokujuu no Oden, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Recovery
2 Rose Griffon Win the match R Griffon Wear, Champagne Shoes, Champagne Glove
3 Red Matador Win the match Matador Wear, Armada Spike, Armada Glove
4 Europe Daihyou Win the match [OF] Matador Feint, [SH] Slingshot, [SK] Offense Force
5 Group B Senbatsu Win the match Gokujuu no Oden, [OF] U-Boat, [SH] Eiffel Drive (original versions)/[SH] Paladin Strike (international versions)
6 Africa Daihyou Win the match Gokujuu no Oden, [OF] Liar Shot, [SK] Speed Plus
7 Sekai Daihyou Win the match V Sign Wear, [OF] U-Boat, [GK] Tamashii The Hand
Treasure chests Normal Tactics symbol Muteki no Yari
S clear [SH] Double Jaw (Spark)
[SH] X Blast (Bomber)

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 The Forwards Wind players only Honoo no Wear, [SH] Eiffel Drive (original versions)/[SH] Slingshot (international versions), [SK] Shoot Force
2 Super Osaka CCC Win the match Space Wear, [SH] Rose Splash, [SK] Defense Force
3 Team Canon Win the match Future Wear, Shin Sedai Shoes, Jisedai Glove
4 Takabiis Male players only Sailor Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Speed Force
5 Adult Team Players without Shoot hissatsu Senshi no Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Defense Plus
6 Inazuma Towns Players without Shoot hissatsu Rekisen no Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Lucky!
7 Under 12 Players without Catch hissatsu Tight Pop Wear, [SH] Corodra Shoot, Old Pinbatch
8 The Windies 68 Mountain players only [DF] Snow Angel, [OF] Fuujin no Mai, [SH] Crossfire (wind)
9 The Mids 69 Mountain players only [GK] Stinger, [OF] Liar Shot, [SK] Never Give Up
10 Zodiacs Win the match Ichibanboshi Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Oiroke UP!
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Chouwaza!
S clear [GK] Ijigen The Hand
The Ogre

Endou Daisuke's route[]

Daisuke's route 1 Daisuke's route 2

Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Asia Senbatsu 42 Win the match Gokujou no Oden, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Shoot Plus
2 Brockenborg 46 Win the match Brocken Wear, Fukutsu no Spike, Fukutsu no Glove
3 Europe Senbatsu 48 Win the match [DF] Sneaking Raid, [OF] Matador Feint, [SH] Gunshot
4 Group A Senbatsu 52 Win the match [GK] Ikari no Tettsui, [SH] Crossfire (fire), [SK] Setsuyaku!
5 The Great Horn 55 Win the match G Horn Wear, Bafana Shoes, Bafana Glove
6 Nanbei Senbatsu 57 Win the match Gokujou no Oden, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Zokusei Kyouka
7 America Tairiku Senbatsu 63 Win the match Gokujou no Oden, Gold Power Pendant, [SK] Offense Plus
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Offense Force
S clear [SK] Speed Force

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Inazuma KFC Kai 38 Players without Catch hissatsu KFC Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, Old Pinbatch
2 Omote to Ura no Ouja 56 Win the match Fang Wear, Wake Spike, [SK] Oiroke UP!
3 Doppels 56 Mountain players only Senshi no Wear, Brain Spike, [SK] Critical!
4 The Woods 63 Wind players only Kowamote Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Never Give Up
5 The Mountains 64 Fire players only Symmetry Wear, [DF] The Mountain, [SK] Never Give Up
6 The Keepers 52 Players without Shoot hissatsu [GK] Stinger, [GK] Mugen The Hand, [SK] Keeper Plus
7 Narikiri Sentai 68 Male players only Shinshi no Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Ikasama!
8 Young Inazuma 72 Win the match Densetsu no Wear, Densetsu no Spike, Densetsu no Glove
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Defense Force
S clear [SK] Shoot Force
The Ogre

Lusce's route[]

Only route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Specials Win the match SP Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Defense Plus
2 Skill Stars Win the match Ichibanboshi Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Setsuyaku!
3 Ikemen Sparks Female players only Kung Fu Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Ikemen UP!
4 Water Boys Win the match Stream Wear, [SH] The Typhoon, [SK] Konshin!
5 Keeper Stars Players without Catch hissatsu Hirameki Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Keeper Plus
6 Inazuma Legend Win the match Densetsu no Wear, Densetsu no Spike, Densetsu no Glove
7 Oiroke Bombers Male players only Osaka Gals Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Oiroke UP!
8 Champ 2010 Win the match Matador Wear, [OF] Matador Feint, [SH] Slingshot
9 Neo Raimon Win the match Future Wear, Shin Sedai Shoes, Jisedai Glove
10 Shin Sekai Senbatsu Win the match Stripe Wear, [OF] U-Boat, [GK] Tamashii The Hand
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Namakeru
S clear [GK] Tamashii The Hand

Onigawara Gengorou's route[]


Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Ura Raimon Win the match Yuujou no Wear, Thunder Spike, [SK] Shoot Force
2 Inazuma KFC Win the match KFC Wear, Inazuma KFC Spike, Inazuma KFC Glove
3 FF Chiku Senbatsu A Win the match Yuujou no Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Chouwaza!
4 FF Zenkoku Senbatsu A Win the match Marshall Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, Old Pinbatch
5 Ichibangai Sally's Win the match Sally's Wear, Sally's Shoes, Sally's Glove
6 Zenkoku Team Senbatsu A Win the match V Sign Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Defense Force
7 Team Nishinihon 63 Win the match Retro Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SH] The Typhoon
8 Inazuma '08 Win the match Tight Pop Wear, Thunder Spike, [SK] Recovery
9 Nippon Daihyou Kouho A 69 Win the match [DF] Snow Angel, [GK] Ikari no Tettsui, [SH] The Typhoon
10 Raimon OB Win the match Toukon no Wear, Inazuma Spike, Inazuma Glove
Treasure chests Normal Raimon Natsumi
S clear Kudou Fuyuka

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Benchers 1 35 Players without Shoot hissatsu Kaminari Wear, Grow Spike, [SK] Keeper Plus
2 Benchers 2 36 Players without Shoot hissatsu Junjou Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Oiroke UP!
3 Benchers 3 37 Players without Shoot hissatsu Tight Pop Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Lucky!
4 Benchers 4 39 Players without Shoot hissatsu Kaminari Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Never Give Up
5 〇Megane〇 A Female players only Techno Wear, Soul Shoes, [SK] Yakubyougami
6 Kyappikyapi B Male players only Ganjou Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Gakushuu
7 Ayashii Yatsura A 45 Players without Catch hissatsu Kaminari Wear, Power Gold Pendant, Old Pinbatch
8 Ganso Yakyuubu 61 Female players only Zebra Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Critical!
9 ◇NINJA◇ 65 Mountain players only Spot Wear, Spirit Shoes, [SK] Speed Force
Treasure chests Normal Otonashi Haruna
S clear Kino Aki
The Ogre

Gouenji Yuuka's route[]


Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Super Shuuyou Meito 46 Win the match Frog Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Offense Force
2 Team Masato 58 Win the match Future Wear, Soul Shoes, [SK] Critical!
3 Old Kidokawa Win the match Shinshi no Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SH] Bakunetsu Storm
4 The Fires 54 Forest players only Honoo no Wear, [SH] Bakunetsu Screw, [SK] Ikasama!
5 Ryuugaku Team 59 Win the match Kizoku no Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Speed Force
6 Speed Star Male players only Riders Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Speed Plus
7 Champion 67 Win the match V Sign Wear, Grow Spike, [SK] Offense Plus
8 The Bros 72 Fire players only Smart Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Chouwaza!
9 The Defense Wind players only [DF] Sneaking Raid, [DF] The Mountain, [DF] Shinkuuma
10 Pierrot Team 77 Fire players only Techno Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Defense Plus
11 Shin Pirates Win the match Skull Wear, [SH] The Typhoon, [SK] Gakushuu
Treasure chests Normal [SH] Tiger Drive
S clear Last notebook 2

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Benchers 5 Players without Catch hissatsu Stripe Wear 2, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Ikemen UP!
2 Benchers 6 Players without Catch hissatsu Sailor Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Muzokusei
3 〇Megane〇 B Female players only Hirameki Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, Old Pinbatch
4 Mask Man A Players without Catch hissatsu Junjou Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Offense Force
5 Fudou Heads Forest players only Skull Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Ikemen UP!
6 Cute★Stars Male players only Junjou Wear, [SH] Rose Splash, [SK] Oiroke UP!
7 Zetsu Yoroshiku Male players only Kowamote Wear, [DF] Shinkuuma, [SK] Muzokusei
8 El Machos Female players only Gokuaku Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Minna Ike Ike!
9 Chuugoku Kickers Win the match Kung Fu Wear, Defensive Gold Pendant, [SK] Konshin!
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Minna Ike Ike!
S clear [SH] Grand Fire (Spark)
[SH] Gran Fenrir (Bomber)
The Ogre

Robot in front of Raimon soccer club[]


Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Mikage Sennou Win the match Mikage Wear, Mikage Sennou Spike, Mikage Sennou Glove
2 Shuuyou Meito Gakuen Win the match Shuuyou Wear, Shuuyou Meito Spike, Shuuyou Meito Grab
3 Occult Win the match Occult Wear, Noroi no Spike, Noroi no Glove
4 Kasamino Win the match Kasamino Wear, Kasamino Spike, Kasamino Glove
5 Nose Win the match Nose Wear, Wild Spike, Wild Grab
6 Teikoku Gakuen Win the match Teikoku Wear, Teikoku Spike, Teikoku Glove
Treasure chests Normal [OF] Killer Fields
S clear [SK] Critical!

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Senbayama Win the match Senbayama Wear, Senbayama Spike, Senbayama Glove
2 Hakuren Win the match Hakuren Wear, Setsugen no Spike, Kitaguni no Glove
3 Sengoku Igajima Win the match Sengoku Wear, Ninja Spike, Ninja Glove
4 Oumihara Win the match Oumihara Wear, Marine Spike, Resort Hand
5 Manyuuji Win the match Manyuuji Wear, Tanren Spike, Kung Fu Glove
6 Yokato Win the match Yokato Wear, Yuugure Shoes, Sunset Glove
7 Kidokawa Seishuu Win the match Kidokawa Wear, Kidokawa Spike, Kidokawa Glove
Treasure chests Normal [OF] Flame Veil (Spark)
[OF] Water Veil (Bomber)
S clear [SK] Setsuyaku!
The Ogre

Robot in the basement of Raimon soccer club[]


Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Team K Win the match Fukushuu no Spike, Fukushuu no Glove, [SK] Minna Ike Ike!
2 Shin Teikoku Gakuen Win the match Shin Teikoku Gakuen Wear, Shikkoku no Spike, Tsuwamono no Glove
3 Zeus Win the match Zeus Wear, Divine Spike, Divine Glove
4 Ura Zeus Win the match Zeus Wear, Power Silver Pendant, Defensive Silver Pendant
Treasure chests Normal [SK] Konshin!
S clear [SK] Fukkatsu!

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Gemini Storm Win the match Hoshikuzu no Shoes, Micro Glove, Power Bronze Pendant
2 Epsilon Win the match Wakusei no Shoes, Macro Glove, Defensive Copper Pendant
3 Epsilon Kai Win the match Wakusei no Shoes, Macro Glove, Power Copper Pendant
4 The Genesis Win the match Uchuu no Shoes, Big Bang Hand, Defensive Silver Pendant
5 Prominence Win the match Shakunetsu Spike, Corona Hand, Power Silver Pendant
6 Chaos Win the match Prominence Wear, D-Dust Wear, Konton no Spike
Treasure chests Normal Prominence Wear
S clear [SH] Atomic Flare
The Ogre

Dream tournament[]


Upper route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Real Aliea Win the match [SH] Ryuusei Blade, Spirit Shoes, [SK] Zokusei Kyouka
2 Kageyama All Star Win the match Space Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Namakeru
3 Another Chaos Win the match [SK] Defense Plus, Konton no Spike, Jikuu no Glove
4 Tenkuu no Shito Win the match Gokujou no Oden, Tenkuu no Shoes, Tenkuu no Glove
5 Dark Angel Win the match Tenkuu Wear, Makai Gundan Wear, Tenma no Spike
Treasure chests Normal F-Pantheon
S clear Tactics symbol Saint Flash

Lower route

Order Opponent Level Condition Drop items
1 Dark Emperors Win the match Dark E. Wear, Yami no Shoes, Uragiri no Glove
2 PistonBerryz Win the match Hirameki Wear, [SH] Rose Splash, [SK] Namakeru
3 Juuni Tennou Win the match Rising Wear, Power Gold Pendant, [SK] Namakeru
4 The Card Win the match The Card Wear, Card Team Glove, [SK] Setsuyaku!
5 Inazuma '10 Win the match Kaminari Wear, [SH] The Hurricane, [SK] Lucky!
6 Sekai Senbatsu Win the match Stripe Wear, [OF] U-Boat, [GK] Tamashii The Hand
Treasure chests Normal [GK] Maou The Hand
S clear Rococo Ulpa (kid)
The Ogre

