Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Lus Kasim (ルース・カシム, Rūsu Kashimu), also known as Asu Inam (アース・イナーム, Āsu Ināmu) before his real identity was revealed, is a midfielder and a forward for Perfect Spark, and, later, a defender for Zhao Jinyuns.


Lus has short pale yellow hair and light blue eyes.

In his first appearance, while posing as Asu Inam, Lus had his hair dyed dark gray and wore a bandana covering his eyes and pushing his hair upwards, for the purpose of making him resemble Inamori Asuto.


When pretending to be Inamori Asuto, his actions are very similar to Asuto's, but he does not talk. Lus is often shown to be a calm person who does not overreact to surprising events. When revealing his identity, for example, he manages to stay tranquil and unnerved by others' reactions. 


Lus appeared as Asu Inam, a masked player alongside Malik Kuabel, replacing Froy and Viktor, after they've decided to protest their team's tactics. Sekiya stated, that As only joined Perfect Spark the day before the match and had no other records of playing in any other soccer game. Drawing on Asuto's demonstrated abilities Lus was able to dishearten the Japanese players, especially his closest teammates, scoring a goal with Shining Bird and pretending to be mind controlled by the Orion Foundation. Seeing his teammates' shock, Kozoumaru resorted to hitting Lus with a point blank Fire Tornado to the head, knocking him unconscious, thus removing Lus from the match and earning himself a red card in the process. After the match ended, Lus revealed his face to Malik, saying that Kozoumaru's shot did not injure him and that he was a part of a resistance movement within the Orion Foundaton.


(OK (037)) Asu Inabikari Dash Inabikari Dash (Dribble)
Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin - Episode 037
(AT) Shining Bird 6 Shining Bird (Shoot)
Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin - Episode 037
(OK (047)) Innocent Drive Innocent Drive (Shoot)
Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin - Episode 047
(OK) Sword of d'Artagnan 17 Sword of d'Artagnan (Shoot)
Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin - Episode 049




  • His fake name, Asu Inam, is a corruption of Asuto's name in Katakana (アスト・イナモリ).
    • Likewise, his fake dub name, Son Riktov, is derived from Asuto's dub name, Sonny Wright, with the Russian surname Riktov to fit other members of Perfect Spark.

