Its appearance is largely similar with two catch hissatsu techniques like Majin The Hand and Ikari no Tettsui. It has red spiky hair, long horns that resemble the ones of Maou The Hand which seem to link with the eyebrows, large muscles and spiky parts coming off its shoulders. It has an overall yellow aura around the user and the keshin.
Endou first used Majin Great in episode 3. Right before he summoned it, a bright yellow aura was surrounding him. Endou also used his Keshin hissatsu, Great The Hand, and stopped Alpha's Shoot Command 01. After Endou used it, he dropped onto his knee's and wondered what had happened, as he has never witnessed a Keshin before. Everyone including Endou, was surprised to see him use it. Tenma then explained to Endou what a Keshin is.